Human Puppy (poem)

I saw the anger and knew it was gonna linger in your eyes then you yelled at me saying we gonna start a family and that I should grow up. Oh, this isn't about you it never has been so away, Oh, why won't you just accept me as a human...

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my feeling i have right now

of suicide grew stronger, in which i could not hold on any longer, till a wolf came to my life, and showed me the brightest of the light.

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thoughts of suicide go through a cold computer, only reason and logic to contain, the shape of knives and shudder of skin, in an endlessly confused brain.

The Best Summer Ever: Chpt 3 - State of Mind

I can't begin to tell you how many times i've thought of suicide, it always lingered in the back of my mind as i added another battle scar. i could cut vertically instead of horizontally and they can't stitch it back up, it's unfixable.

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Red Sector A

I am in such a miserable condition that i am nothing more than a walking skeleton, my fur has become ragged and patches of flesh can be seen as a result of malnourishment, and to me the thought of suicide either by deliberately upsetting the guards or by stealing

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The new Beginning

Prax had thought of suicide multiple times, but always thought: "i had lived 18 years under depression and constant pressure, i have to live 18 more years as a free person, else all the shit i've taken will be a waste..."

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The Line Of Life Or Death - Chapter Two - Watch Your Fingers

My mind was once again flooded with thoughts of suicide, that death would be better than this place of horror. i looked to the wall of which the mouse had just been and saw fresh blood slowly making it's way down to the ground.

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Fox Family 9

Those thoughts of suicide became even more real. he looked up to the ceiling. everyone in the school still with that blank silence, it all started to break out in tears for them as well.

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The story of 'Us'

He bounded into the dark, unknown woods around him, braving whatever he ran into, be it the negative thoughts of suicide and depression, or the taunts and cries of the evil sprites among the darkness.

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Now I Know Better.

The two of them had been close friends for two years, and laila had always been there for him; when he had once struggled with thoughts of suicide, it was her constant positivity, encouragement, and occasional profound wisdom that had brought him back again

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Heaven on Earth

He closed his eyes, knowing that he would always be safe and loved with her, and all thoughts of suicide were erased from his mind. he could not remember a happier moment than what he had right now. warm and happy, alec fell asleep.

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This Is Me Challenge. Dreaming of the future.

It is why even in my depression, in my anxiety, my disappointment, my inescapable anger and sadness that i never thought of suicide.