Beautiful Creature
Well, this is FAR AND AWAY very different from what i've done in the past. well it still has bondage and lots of sex. but there are humans and other twisted things. and has bisexual sex. i made this specifically for a friend :) i hope you enjoy it as...
Office Stress Part 8 - Corner Office
First of all, this is super, super long. I haven't been over teh finer points, but it's void of most of the typos. I loved it. I hope you enjoy it, too. \*\*\* In a small, closet-sized room, bare but for a small table and a hook affixed to...
The Centaur and I - Hooves
Ok, it's been more than six months. You waited. You read, rated, and faved. Here it is! i'm sorry it took so long. It is not proofread other than spelling errors. Thanks guys! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ I rose softly from my bed. The hour was early,...
Office Stress 7 - Upper Management
In stark contrast to part 6, this only took a few hours. good god, it came out beautifully. Enjoy! \*\*\*\* Spinus could only wince and shudder as he watched his cousin, Tibalt Cunnings, pace away from him, defiant and liberated. A long neck...
Office Stress 6 - Business To Attend To
HOOO Boy, this is LONG, and a long time cumming. there's ALOT more exposition here, but i included it cause i wanted the characters to develop a little more. I apologize for it's tardiness, school and the holidays got in the way. i wrote the first few...
The Centaur and I
We greeted each other from opposite sides of the grassy field, just like every time we'd met there. I strode nakedly though the knee-high grass as he did the same, my clothes lying at the base of a tree. He was naked but for a small bark pouch, his...
Office Stress Part 5 - Take a Breath and Relax
Utter and complete humiliation was all Tibalt Cunnings could feel. He stood awkwardly behind a folding screen in the bedroom belonging to his employee, Vincent Tallis. He hesitated before calling out nervously: "Vanny, why do you HAVE these...
Office Stress Part 4: Relieve The Stress
Tibalt Cunnings woke slowly from a hard, hazy sleep. His head felt like a sack of rocks, his lower back ached, and feet were sore. He could barely recall the previous day; it felt as if he'd slept for far too long. Blinking through bleary vision, he...
Office Stress Part 3: Bringing Work Home
Okay, let's see... Vincent thought, warm bath running, peach-scented body soap ready (hehe), scented oils in the water already (mmm, magnolia), special loofah ready, and of course, Mr. Long (hehehehehe)... The long-neck giggled to himself, eyeing the...
Office Stress Part 2
With a slow, smooth stride Vincent Tallis walked towards his supervisor's office. He glanced at the cubicle of Matt Shields, his friend, and found it empty. Matt had left early that day, claiming illness. A few had giggled at how oddly he walked to...
Office Stress
Goddammit. Vincent Tallis muttered heatedly as he strode quickly towards the supervisor's office door. The carnivore's rusty voice till echoed in his ears: "Get your plant-munching ass down here, or I'll toss you right to the damned curb!"...
Hunter's Nightmare
Hunter's Nightmare The lean, nude, lone raptor made his way stealthily through the brush, his thick spear in hand, toe claws sharpened for this hunt. He had left his hunting party sometime before, catching a promising scent to the east. Now he...