Extra Earnings

Extra Earning Hey me again, second time thru.. I think this one is WAY better then the first one. So tell me what you think of my second yiffy story ever! Email: [[email protected]](/cdn-cgi/l/email-protection) Please make...

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Nightmare afterfects

"Nightmare Afterfects" By: Echo Authors Note: This is my first yiff story ever but not my first story ever. Well I'm am going to try it out and please tell me what you think The hellish beast howled in a fierce screech. Gray was looking...

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Hybird - The Story Begins

The Hybrid By reading this, you should know that this contains little to no "yiffing" while there will be sexual references this story is not being made for the sole purpose of...

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Hybrid - Forgotton Sensations

Hybrid - Forgotten Sensations [This story holds little to no yiffing, if you are looking for "yiff" stories you should look elsewhere. This story contains violence, very graphic violence, and a hope for a plotline. ...

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Hybrid - The Lust

Hybrid - Shadows of a Former Self [This story holds little to no yiffing, if you are looking for "Yiff" stories you should look elsewhere. This story contains violence, very graphic violence, and a hope for plotline. Raven Alfadir...

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Winter Sorrows

The very next morning, Mike was positively glowing. Even if his ass hurt like Hell, and he was starving, it was as if he could only feel how in love he was with Anthony. That freakin' adorable grizzly bear... as if losing his virginity to the sweetest...


The Sweetest Boyfriend Ever

Okay, some notes on the characters: Mike is a fiery, slightly egotistical lynx, who happens to be something of a queen. His abilities in combat will be apparent later, while his boyfriend, Anthony, is a big, snuggly grizzly who happens to be into the...

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Alone in the Moonlight

A white wolf, howls atop a moonlit peak, a crag, protruding from the cliff face, under his feet as he surveys the night sky. The stars twinkle around him as his blue eyes look out over the landscape. Behind him, a thicket of bushes, and further back...

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Snoring on the Welcome mat

Zecora led Echo thru the woods, occasionally stopping to teach about this plant or warn about that one. Echo carried the pot on his back for a couple hours till at last they came out on the edge of the woods, near the Apple farm. The earth pony dropped...

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A change is coming

Echo hesitantly stepped over the threshold of the zebra's hut and looked aroud. It appeared small from the outside, but on the inside it was even more spacious than the library! "Whoa, whaddya keep in here? Whazzat? Ooh, Rarity had one of those....

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Thunderclap Echo's First Day

Echo braced himself. WHAM! 140 pounds of pent up Pinkie Pie potential energy transferred into kinetic, the bubbly earth pony almost knocking Echo over despite his readiness for impact. "WHOA! Lotsa ponies fall over when I run at them! But I'm just so...

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The Dawn will Come.

Chicago has seen better days. Especially with the massive Black Spiral Dancer invasion that has taken place over the previous three days. It was left to one singular Sept the garou had left in the city. Just on the edge of the city, a small warehouse...

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