Boston's Freshman Year

Boston's Freshman Year \*RIIIINNNGGG\* The bell announcing first period was about to start rang out loudly over the school grounds. Daniel Travis, or Boston as he was known as, sat idly behind a tree at the edge of the campus....

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Lucky Thirteen: Happy Birthday Boston

Lucky Thirteen: Happy Birthday Boston The old utility van rolled through the grimy streets of a suburban neighborhood. Fences toped with barbed wired and lined with signs warning of guard dogs ran along each side of the street, almost resembling some...

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A basement in 1988 pt. 2

A basement in 1988 pt.2 The old house sat nearly alone in the small, mostly abandoned remaining strip of an old mining town. The small state highway running past it's lawn having had to be re-planned, and set back 3 months due to the stubborn...

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A basement in 1988

A basement in 1988 Water occasionally running through the pipes overhead were one of the only discernable sounds the little german shepard could make out in the heavy bag covering his head. Jonah could feel the rope holding the back loose, but...

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Relief: part 2

Relief: part 2 Forward: Short, sweet, un-edited and to the point. This one is ugly, folks. No one underage or with queasy tummies should read this. Boston awoke with an uncharacteristic jump, grabbing at the edges of the sofa as his eyelids flashed...

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Relief: part 1

Boston leaned over the steering wheel of his newly acquired van on a beautiful cloudless Monday. Quite a jalopy at that, bought at a public auction for four hundred Dollars. The white early 70's clunker belched unhealthy smoke and sounded like it ran...

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VIRUS Phase 1: The Survivors

Forward: Something kinda new from yours truly; A horror story without serial killers! What a concept! A classic horror scenario with a twist my readers should all enjoy. Criticism appreciated, as are praises and flames! So, without further adieu, I...

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Boston's bad day

The monochrome-furred border collie let out a sigh as the hot shower water seep into his fur, reaching his skin and soothing the sore muscles underneath. Creaking pipes in the old shower were such a normal occurance that the black and white dog didn't...

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Don't Judge a Book by It's Cover

Don't judge a book by it's bloody cover. A short scream, garbled by an already nearly crushed windpipe ended with a sickly wet crunching sound. The gnoll's strong, bare, brown furred hindpaw crushed down on the weak human skull with a vicious...

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Road Dogs: The Passenger

Road Dogs: The Passenger \_\_\_ Boston pressed the old, cracking rubber gas pedal down farther with his booted footpaw and let a smile form over his muzzle as the large white GMC conversion van pulled strongly up the onramp. He was headed to a...

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A Dog's Life

A Dog's Life A dog today, I wish I'd stay, So I may always be at play. Just games so gay, with love I say, a pat sends all troubles away. A bowl of food, toys and chews, at tug-of-war I'd never lose. I'd never care from where these came,...

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The Visit

The Visit \_\_\_ The large passanger bus rumbled along, engine and driveshaft whining a tone that after two hours was just a hum compared to the roar that the dusty blond coyote had heard at first. Steven stared out the window at the trees rushing...

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