
A angel awoken me. i killed her. i went to a ally way. i got raped. i killed him. i killed **_me.

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Awoken... (been a while...)

awoken... (been a while...) eyes closed, i saw nothing but a wall as i finally slept with eyes open, i could finally watch it fall a dream or reality, it didn't matter either way...

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3 - Shiva - Ablitys Awoken

Shiva ------------------------- ability slowly awoken ------------------------------------------- before we continue with shiva's story let see what ren been up too in a underwater labyrinth believed to the home of lugia.

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The man that stood drops his weapons and runs to the edge of the embankment yelling "an ancient has awoken, an ancient has awoken."

Caged. (XVII)

All the noise that was made has awoken korvi from her forced cold slumber. a strong wave of throbbing mental pain washed through her head, keeping her eyes tightly closed to wait for the weird feeling go away.


Part III-Infiltration

"you've awoken, haven't you, michael?" my eyes lost focus once more as i awaited instructions from my master. "yes master, i have awoken." "good, follow me." i turned around to see the wolf walking away from me.

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Part I-Initiation

Once you have awoken..._ "yes master, i have awoken." "good, now, why don't you fill that female behind you. remember, you will be released just before you reach orgasm insider her."

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We were awoken with a need; our stomachs were making growling noises. i was hungry, and so was my brother. then the lights came on, and one of the humans came over and deactivated the barrier.

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Summers Beginning

The time was around six thirty when i had awoken to the early summer sunrise through my upstairs patio outside my sliding glass doors. i had said to my self " this will be a grand summer day."

project wolfsoul: chpt 3: what i'd give to have her back

Soon i was awoken yet again by the scientists who had now changed from lab coats, trousers and shirts into shorts, t shirts and sunglasses.

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Overdoing It

You have awoken me from my slumb..." the deep voice cut off suddenly and i cracked open my eyes, scared at what i would see. i almost breathed a sigh of relief when what was floating in the air in front of me looked mostly human.

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Eddie's Pokemon Adventure: The Prologue

I was awoken, what felt like minutes later, but was actually a whole hour and a half, by this series of thuds on the wall, next to my bed. "and mum tells me not to jump on the bed."

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