My Dead Demonic Boyfriend

"beetlejuice.... beetlejuice..." he gulped audibly, he was actually about to summon an actual demon. and here it comes with one more word. "beetlejuice!"

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After the “dead list” – I’m a deer

beetlejuice, the movie. the civil-servant hag who smoked through her tracheotomy. ([]( that earned me a nasty look. "what was that?" are you a civil servant?

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Spooktober—October 2022 (Supernatural Horror/Orgasm Denial)

"a beetlejuice suit? dude, with this janky-ass wig and those stripes, everyone's gonna think you're an escaped inmate or something." "better than a bat who can't think past the vampire trope." denny tickled one of her fangs.

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Stars and Stripes

"that's. . . beetlejuice." he knew it sounded sick and disgusting, but he didn't really know how to explain the fundemental basics of "cum" to his little brother!

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The Squall: Chapter four

Back to the future, army of darkness, out cold, super troopers.....beetlejuice?" beth cocked any eyebrow at the last one. "hey, they may have weird names, but that's not the case."

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The Bruised Ego

Both the pelvis and beetlejuice machines looked promising, but i gave in to the swirling ramp of the pack in the future table, plopping down there, still in viewing distance of the fighters so i could glance over every so often to monitor what was happening

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R.E.M. Prologue

"what're you, fucking beetlejuice?" he remained silent, ignoring me completely, posing his own question instead. "...well that's...odd..." his voice somehow made me a bit more calm.

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In Motion

Certainly no frank sinatra, beetlejuice, or dresden. he took a deeper breath, squared his shoulders, and sauntered towards the door. not too fast, not too slow. he found himself keenly aware of just how quick he was approaching the door.

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Learning Curve (Chapter 6, Act1/Book3)

You're probably too young to have seen beetlejuice but maybe you can change your appearance so you don't freak out other ...ghosts.

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Doggy Sleepover

"nah, they stopped caring about where i go since we were 10, because i will always appear when they call my name, like beetlejuice." "oh..." "now are you gonna get into the role or what?"

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Possession - Part Two: Coran's Choice

beetlejuice, and batman. oh we're going to have so much fun!" he exclaimed, practically bouncing now as coran slid gingerly into the couch. "then please... enlighten me." he said with a smile."

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