Call Me Alice (ch.1)
Anyhow, i want to know what you think of it so far and i always like positive criticism so any things you think i should add or take away or things like that i would love to know any way happy fapping, alos clifhanger xd !
cynder x spyro lovnlies ch8
Ticked off at the clifhangers? tell me in comments!!! :d (spoiler alert!!!!!!@$@#$%@#omfg$%@) the next chapter is all about ember and flame, and it starts off with cynders point of view.
Autumn Media and Reece (INCOMPLETE)
This containes sexually explicit material, if your underage go away. also this little rp/story is **DISCONITUNED** It will not be finished becuase the person I started this with, has not had the muse, nor the time to conitune this though emails with...
Jayden, Chapter 17
Lots of plot, and another clifhanger. as i said, it's a bit shorter than the last one, but this one was meant to be more of a... developmental chapter, in terms of the plot and such.
Jayden, Chapter 15
More clifhangers! i'm so mean at times.... so, comments, votes, favs, adding to groups: all are wonderful ^.^ legal: we should know it by now, but i'll say it again. pokemon is not mine. they belong to the people that do own them.