**Letter to Princess Celestia from Mark Robertson** Dear Princess Celestia, Firstly, I want to thank you for the excellent advice you gave me in your last letter. Winter and I have been dating since autumn, and I couldn't be happier. She had felt...
Dairy Division
"Move, soldier! What are you, a crawling grub?!" The Legionnaire gave the soldier walked in front of him a rough shove. "Yes, sir! Sorry, Legionnaire Wildgrowl!" The shove propped the lazy-ass soldier to put a spring to his step,...
Brace for Impact Ch.2
He wants me to x-division my ass off? well hell, that's exactly what i plan to do. \* \* \* "_the following contest is x-division four-way action, scheduled for one fall!"
Delta Divide
Delta Divide Written by Leo\_Todrius Commissioned by Anonymous Inch by inch, ever so slowly the sun crawled toward the horizon, pulling with it the shades of fire and ice, oranges and violets so intense and complete that it boggled the mind...
Neo 7th Division
Wie areku das gesuch auf versetzung zur siebten division eingereicht hatte und es auf seinem arbeitstisch gelandet ist. das ganze training mit den anderen shinigami der siebten division, um das shikai zu erreichen.
No Chance, Ch 18
The requisition form for division five indicated that there was more going on at the installation than just division six research.
Burning Love Like a Phoenix Ch 4
Ng taichö, 4th division unohana taichö, 6th division kuchiki taichö, 10th division hitsugaya taichö, 11th kempachi taichö, and 12th division kurotsuchi taichö.
The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 3
Hell division: "yes, sir!" doomfond: "very well... report to officer infernos, he'll be in the main control room. infernos will give a far better briefing of your objectives. good luck, hell division!"
The Great War,Hell Division, Heroes Of The Dovahreich Chapter 2
Hell division move out to the city ..go.. and the hell division proceeded to jump out and run under the oncoming artillery onslaught towards the oncoming attack.
Snowlit Dawn - Book 2 Chapter 5
She knew her application had been selected for a leadership position within the new branch of the ragerian regulatory forces, but unlike division 1, division 2 had a mission much less palatable to ragerians - instead of researching, managing and implementing
The Great War,hell Division, Heroes of the Dovahreich: chapter 1
Meanwhile dragon x has finally found hell division in the shooting range. hell division captain: what can i help you with? dragon x i'm looking for hell division, i am ordered to join them. hell division captain: your looking at them. dragon x: good.
Open House Day One Part Two
"what are the divisions like?" i asked, interested in this order. "we have two shadow divisions and two light divisions. the fifth is my division, the blitzkriegs." "blitzkriegs?"