Teaser: Take My Wife...Please
"to fapp!" "to fapp!" they all agreed. after dinner found the four ladies in the upstairs sitting room, and the four ferals in shaw's den.
Seeding Jizzral
This is just a taste of what stories await players of the fapp system, currently undergoing crowdfunding over on offbeatr: http://offbeatr.com/project/fapp-erotic-adventures-9632492918 as is often the case for adventurers in the realm of jizzral, this one
Take My Wife...Please
#1 of fapp shaw and sasha are new to the feral and anthro partners potluck, but they'll be joining fapp with a bang if shaw has anything to say about it.
Teaser: Take My Daughter, For Example
Karen's eyes widened and she said, "is fapp some sort of secret sex club? i guess i shoulda guessed from the name. could you at least stop while you're talking to me? god, both my parents are disgusting."
Teaser: Take My Daughter, Too
#4 of teasers karen finds out what the fapp club has been doing, and it turns out they were doing sasha. but now that she's locked in with two alpha males and her father, it looks like they're all considering a new hobby - karen.
Kioga: A Gut Feeling
His piss stream hurt his urethra--this coffee fappe was evil!--and the front of his pants swelled and expanded, threads breaking, fabric tearing as the back dropped limply between his legs.
Take My Daughter, For Example
Karen's eyes widened and she said, "is fapp some sort of secret sex club? i guess i shoulda guessed from the name. could you at least stop while you're talking to me? god, both my parents are disgusting."
Fucking anews - big brother didn't even let me finish my fapp! > > i wondered if the fox knew that winter was coming, and the darkness which foretelleth death. that darkness which once took our parents away... > > i didn't think so.
Available to purchase on oogle play, and the fapp store! **n. ortiz, 28.** i'd been using xhibitr for more than a month, and if i'm honest i'd kind of forgotten about it.
Take My Daughter, Too
#4 of fapp karen finds out what the fapp club has been doing, and it turns out they were doing sasha. but now that she's locked in with two alpha males and her father, it looks like they're all considering a new hobby - karen.
Goldenmane Chapter VIII: You Wont Even Notice the Product Placement
Q branch called it the "fapp app". q was especially proud of that one. it did other more mundane and functional stuff, but blowing up and streaming porn were the ones stud colt was most interested in.
Take My Wife Again
#2 of fapp jeroux's had his go with shaw's wife, sasha, but the sopping shepherd's next pick is mick...and can bran withstand the bandwagon? meanwhile, shaw's pause with vivian withdraws, leaving him to bandy with mandy, if she'll let him. can he?