Kindergarten Merc
Rick Mantle, the anthro spotted hyena, loved being a Mech Suit Mercenary. After gaining popularity from being naked on TV, everyone wanted a piece of him. After appearing naked on TV a second time, and saying some damaging things, the Military...
Merces Letifer - The Rescue
#1 of merces letifer the first in the merces letifer series leading up to desperate measures. silver sneaks into a secret prison to rescue enemy spy, svietlana navratilova.
Star Hunter Gunndis
Star Hunter Gunndis Chapter 1, Book 1 It is the year 2648, and the world is a much bigger place. But no matter how big it gets, one thing never changes, criminals. And when those criminals need to be hunted down, there is an organization that brings...
Merc's Metamorphs, Ch 17
merc said nothing, simply watching the raven move.
Inhuman | Chapter 13: The Rescue [old edition]
He paused at one of the mercs' bodies and decided to search it quickly for anything he could use. he ended up grabbing the fallen merc's rifle, slinging it over his shoulder as a backup.
Once Broken Draft 1 CH 47
The merc on justin's left flew back as a series of blaster bolts slam into him.
Once Broken Draft 1 CH 44
The visor exploded and blood flew back at tristan as the merc fell back. in the instant the other mercs were stunned, tristan shot three of them, his gun at full power went through their armors as if it was ordinary clothing.
Once Broken Draft 1 CH 27
In the last attack there had been almost forty mercs in one such hover. now two of them, possibly eighty mercs.
Phoenix Coven - Chapter 70
After mick signaled that the hall was clear, the rest of the coven followed, with the addition of tuxa, who had taken parts of the merc's outfit that would fit him, as well as the merc's laser pistol and semi-auto laser rifle.
Once Broken Draft 1 CH 45
He used the distraction to aim at the merc carrying tristan, but his shots were deflected by their armor. with a curse he changed his aim to the merc near the shuttle.
Krystal, Blaire and Mitch 5 - Rouge Isn't A Maid!
The merc thrust his knife deep into her thigh, shocking her and cutting her deep. as i tried once again to help, the merc easily elbowed me in the face, sending me back a few feet.
Freelancers: A Personal War
Including hers," she added with a nod at the merc. "okay, ma'am. give me a moment and i'll set it up." "thank you." she turned to watch the merc. an asari appeared on the screen--the same one in the photos the merc had shown valeria. "hi!"