Misunderstood Angel
._ _poem: misunderstood angel_ _from the book: heart of pure light and darkness_ _made by: rogue wolf_
Baseball in Winter 2
The 2nd out of 3 parts of Baseball in winter. I hope you guys like it! \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ "So the lab says, sorry, love to hump things!" The table burst into...
Baseball in Winter
A new story I finished in record time! It's an emotinal story between a fox and a wolf and both are missing something in their life. There is going to be three chapters. There is a small part of masturbation but nothing to ride home about and not...
Star Hopper chapter 14
The 14th chaper of Star Hopper! My furry sci-fi novel. Enjoy! **14** Skye lay curled up on her side facing the corner of the cell, the smell didn't bother her much anymore, neither did the shit that was incrusted in the floor and walls of...
Bowser Day, Whenever it Comes
The misunderstood villain. bowser, the misunderstood villian.
My Quotes 1-10
Quote #2 "misunderstood" 9-28-09 "when we are misunderstood and mocked we try to hide oursleves, but all we do is cause more pain inside."
Stabbed in the Back
But i misunderstood, you're neither lovely, nor good.
If Only You Knew Me
My mistakes resound emptily round the shell of my life misunderstood, broken edged sharp as a knife but isn't life supposed to be, an opportunity, to leave your mark on this world, for all that lives to see? i must not have gotten it.
OC profile
Alice drake:alex's sister(the reason they have names similar when pronounced),tries to befriend humans but can not control the gassiness her brother "infected" her with,always misunderstood by humans and dragons because of this,looks similar to her brother
The Life of an Absol
Enjoy misunderstood for my unintentional crime the rocky cliffs i will climb, for when i sense danger off the seams, i will come to haunt your dreams.
Body Art
Because those who are most misunderstood in life are often those with the greatest stories to tell. i want a rose. because nothing good in this life is ever completely free of pain.
The Gryphon's Goal: Chapter 2, Part 4
Somehow courtland's eyes grew even wider than when larry had his misunderstood outburst. "no! you can't do that, coach! my dad'll kill me! please, he'll take me off the football team for sure!"