I touched my belly and hugged it the joy welling up in me as i stood on pranoke moon.
Air, Belly, Called, Circling, Continue, Debacho, Demon, Dragon, End, Eyes, Far, Floor, Full, GEM, Gave, Gesh, Green, Grinned, Head, Immediately, Laughed, Looked, Metal, Mountain, Nodded, Opened, Passed, Path, Primeon, Quite, Replied, Section, Seemed, Sidge, Sky, Smile, Something, Started, Stone, Stopped, Thoughts, Told, Top, Toward, Turned, Weapons, almost, anything, around, asked, away, bit, block, body, closed, creature, door, double, else, face, feel, felt, finally, floating, form, gate, ground, half, hallway, hand, knew, large, lead, length, level, line, meet, mouth, moved, name, passage, pointing, pushed, repair, room, sense, several, shape, slightly, sort, south, stomach, summoning, took, tower, tunnel, wall, whole