Transformers Prime:Sparkbonded part 2
shockwave said.
shockwave was watching all of this with great interest, while taking notes.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 23
shockwave said. "going higher could be dangerous" "we are near the top. we should push forward" "it is too dangerous!" shockwave said.
Team Argos, Chapter 2
**round 3: shockwave & x-zorb** at the same time, the tiger, dragon, wolf and human menacingly approach shockwave & x-zorb. the tiger and dragon approach shockwave, while the other two approach x-zorb. shockwave zipped around them at supersonic speed.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 24
Even with the help of cynder and shockwave, it took time to find sparx. "over here!" shockwave yelled. spyro immediately made his way where the yellow dragon was located. without waiting for any kind of words, spyro yanked the bag out of shockwave.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 18
shockwave asked out of curiosity. "it is the swamp that surrounds the temple that..."
: watersports** **swindle: tickle machines** **ratchet: spanking and babying** **bots and cons as spankers** **megatron: long and slow** **shockwave: rapid fire** **bltzwing: sexual with aft rubs** **swindle: firm but gentle** **ratchet: very hard
Team Argos, Chapter 1
_now to test shockwave out **for real** _
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 25
On shockwave's clan, shockwave had put in a good word for her. but now... she had neither the guardians not shockwave's family ties. she had to do this on her own. spyro sensed her struggle inside her.
Box of Size
How did she get around both that and the shockwave without spending the rest of her life living among microbes? another shockwave went off, though telani was safe behind her barrier.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 33
Two... since shockwave was in no condition to fight. "shockwave; get across the bridge towards safety" cynder said in a serious voice. "we will remain here and allow you to get across" "but..." shockwave started to say, only to be interrupted.
The Legend of Spyro: Origins_Chapter 27
Many of those said they were told from a certain clan that our friend shockwave is quite familiarized with" cyril said mysteriously as he eyes shockwave with a knowing smile.