Dragon's Embrace Chapter Four: Friends Or Something More?
He wasn't tense and apparently he had only woke up his telekenesis and not his telethapy **.** **_something feels different between us.
Blood on my Mind's Hands
~March 2009~ Utter joy. For the first time in so long I couldn't even begin to guess the time frame. The terrified looks on their faces as they tried to process what they had just witnessed. The smell of blood, sweat and urine permeating the room...
Merc's Metamorphs, Ch 17
"all studies of telekenesis with metamorphs suggest that they have to be able to see what they're manipulating, so if he couldn't see the--" everyone went silent when merc's cell went off.
Full Character Bios
-other: telekenesis; colored marings and eyes glow when activley using powers; can see with his powers (passive) -background: when silver was young, he became trapped in a low radiation zone with his brother, flame.
No Frills: Maundrill
He also has the power to manipulate lava, fire and lava manipulation, materialising objects, telekenesis, heat generation, healing, teleportation, mimicking voices, and shape-shifting into inanimate and living objects **weaknesses:** cold (dangerous at 5
Six Surprises
And sunset needed time to send out her telekenesis and find a suitably unsuitable sperm, anyway. she found one soon enough. big mac, she thought with satisfaction, the words a purr in her mind as she extracted a healthy sperm cell from him.
Maya's Tail: Mac's Territory
Maya replayed the how-to's of using telekenesis to manipulate the lighter and kindling in her head. "okay, ben!" she thought... but with a twinge of embarrassment, the girafarig realized she hadn't been concentrating enough to activate her telepathy.
38- With Benefits
Though they don't practice traditional jedi techniques like telekenesis or augmenting bodies, they are unrivaled in producing force-generated illusions.
Super Hero draft
That's not where his true power lay, it was the fact he was an amazingly skilled telekenesis user. "what brings you up here little snowflake?" as she blushed, his nickname for her. she smiled. "came here to think..