That vision was as absurd on a voidwalker as it enthralled the paladin. who kept accepting the kiss, and the nectar from it.
Unstable Affliction: Incubus
With high determination in play he jogged down the dry road with his voidwalker following closely. they soon met the bridge of the ragefury river which poured out from ashenvale into duatar then into booty bay.
Unstable Affection: Voidwalker
He let out a gasp and pleasure shook his body while his master watched intently and decided it would be fun to test out how voidwalker atonomy works.
Quick Experiment
Each voidwalker has a special power they possess -with geo being able to summon pocket dimensions at will- that's only used in dire circumstances.
Nether Encyclopaedia: The Realm.
The main city has a mix of victorian and gothic style to it, with surrounding forests made of special flora that illuminate the forest during the 'night time' thought most voidwalkers live in the city, some live in the surrounding forests in tribes, most
What's What: VoidWorkers
Stage four is the second to last stage before they begin climbing the ranks towards voidwalker, when they are bestowed the ability to travel from shadow to shadow through secret warps throughout the city.
Nether Encyclopaedia: The Hive
Traditions:- the heavies hold frequent power testing tournaments, just like the voidwalker violences to crown the most powerful heavy.
Nether Encyclopaedia: Deep Ones
. \*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\*\* lurkers:- like the voidwalker creepers, the lurkers are the lowest ranking specie of the deep ones.
Nether Encyclopaedia: the Celestials
During mating season, like the voidwalker echoes, they use their personal taste in music to create a lyricless song to show their deep love or interest for a celestial or netherbeast. \_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_\_ zens:- masters
The pink ribbon
Smiling, I looked down at the small teddy bear within my hands. With fur soft as the morning sun's rays, it was sure to make her smile. Carefully sitting it on the pillow next to her sleeping form, I tied a pink ribbon around its neck in a bow, a...
Sientas, A cold wind chased him as he ran from home, he had not meant to do it, but there was no explaining what he had done. This was against everything he was ever taught, every moral that had been beaten into him, and he had turned his back on it...
Sientas redone
The wind flowed through the grass, making the blades speak to each other in whispered voices. There was a hush about the land. The sun was at its peak and bore down upon the land. It had not rained for a while and the ground was...