An Unexpected Voyage
So, kevin is a winnipeg voyageur now. i think he still secretly wants to be a kahuna, but i hope he does very well in winnipeg. there's definitely gonna be a few surprises in store for him there.
Intro - The Awakening
And were is winnipeg? is that a new city over in rome?" "no, not rome. rome's a city in italy"cassie answers him back,"winnipeg is in canada, but i've never heard of a tv." weird, i think who hasn't heard of tv?
Wants and Needs
"how are things going for you down for in winnipeg? pretty busy i would take it." he said while putting his elbows on the desk and smiled at him in return. "things are going pretty well here in winnipeg, mr. mckenley.
You'll do fantastic in winnipeg." "yeah, i'll definitely do my best." kevin paused, about to continue when he hear the door open. "adi, i'm back. has kevin com... oh, hey kevin!"
He's packed up and moved to winnipeg.
Like, back to winnipeg." "okay?" i could tell by their voice that they didn't get it. "your team knew you were going to be out of commission for a week or so around christmas, and they suggested you head home and spend it with your family?"
A Furry Love Story - Detours and Desperation
Sure enough it was from outside of winnipeg. this eased my suspicion. i hit close and then hit reply. "dear maria kitsune," i said, "i would love to join your gathering, but request more information about these furries.
No Laughing Matter
Luckly, jeannette got tom's visa card to fly from winnipeg to montreal. she stepped off the plane with a big grin on her face, and that was only made bigger by her day. breakfast at the restrant of the 5-star hotel she was staying at: $450.
Beer Brawl
It's time to find out right here on... the amazing race. \*\*\* "we're back in winnipeg in front of the legislative building," toner reminds those who don't know where they are.
Stay Out of the Sewers
Its life was down here, hidden beneath the sewage and muck of winnipeg. despite the beauty of the stars twinkling, the creature ignored the tempting voices inside its mind and tossed the bag high.
Before and After - Simon
She'd spent the better part of the afternoon out on winnipeg's frozen red river, trying desperately to learn how to skate.
Codename Songbird
Primary targets are calgary, winnipeg and edmonton. this is critical. sent. i did not sleep well later that night.