Title in Progress~ Chapter 1

Chapter 1 The sun slowly rose over the forest canopy as dawn began to break the darkness of night. Birds started to great the morning with a friendly chorus of chirps and tweets. "M-mommy?" a young voice said. A little red head poked its way out...

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The Anthrotransformers - Chapter 1: The 4th Year of 3rd World War

As the others, they were duo partners who just joined the newly founded special force called commando of anthrotransformation force, caf for short, a force that supposedly should be able to end the dreadful 3rd world war.

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Recover of Being 707 chapter two part one

"but if only theres a place that has oil and in another 3rd world country!" said present bush. meanwhile in montreal, canada. some group of archaeologists were at a wedding.

The Digimon Wars Aftermath Chapter 1 When Will They Ever Learn?

''we must kill the source that caused this war, the one responsible for the 3rd world war! the digimon!''

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Year x271. 271 years ago died last human, 272 years ago ended the 3rd world war. from human chronicles we know that this war started on 24th august 2015 because of too many peoples now who writes this.

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Presentation - Writing Style

Also, if you go for over the top horror then suddenly have some touching thoughts on feeding 3rd world nations ... well ... it might baffle your target audience.

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Farm Maid

"i will make this entire 3rd world country look like a 2nd world nation," thought the young girl hopefully. by this time she was beginning to see ghosts and moving things because she had stayed up cleaning the barn for too long.

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Preview (still in the works) of new series

"you know, if you want to blend in, don't wear a 7000 american dollar suit in the 3rd world country." he smirked leading lupus outside. "heh, i didn't really think it through i guess.." lupus said annoyed he did somthing so stupid.

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2540 Chapter 1

#1 of 2540 this is my first public story ever, i hope some one enjoy it.... plz i want feed back n_n any comments are welcomed. 2540 after the 3rd world war and the fall of the old human civilization a new race of humans wages war against the last remnants

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War Story Chapter 1

Cannibalism become a common practice in many of the 3rd world country's. the radical religious group called "the wolves of nature" was blamed for the attack. the group denied it and blamed the attack on the country's in nato.


Torn Apart::Discovering Loss

My father had gotten drafted in the begining of the 3rd world war and he died just a few minutes into his first battle.

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