Surprising New Home for the Arctic Wolf
A small town in the middle of a tundra becomes a home for alil nomad having fled from her tribe long ago. she usually stops and moves on quickly but after an experience here in the town of Poplar Branch.... then again i might be getting ahead of myself...
*cue applause track and opening theme* arctic- *hums along with the music for a couple of seconds* good afternoon everyone, i'm arctic wolf, as you know.
Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 Part 3
** ** **skye** "scorpion one, this is arctic wolf, we've advanced from the north we're gaining access now." "roger arctic wolf."
Out of the Blue
Instead of a urinal, he finds a bound but willing arctic wolf. the coyote does find relief but he soon has a new problem. a deep primal lust that nothing but a quick paw session can take care of.
Soldiers Of The Furry Kind Volume 1 part 2
"arctic wolf this is central command." "central this is arctic wolf." "arctic wolf what is your current location and status?" "current location, check the satellites, status i'm alive and babysitting a couple of rookies."
Wolfie Steel: Birth Rights Part 3.
The arctic wolf now looked at wolfie and spoke.
A short sharp jet of arctic wolf piss shot out of his cock like a cork from a champagne bottle.
Cage Fighter!
Women's voices rose in delight as the panting arctic wolf blinked at the mass of meat hanging before him upside down. bear had the arctic wolf on one knee, bent over backwards painfully until his muzzle was pointed at that cock.
Commission: Diaper commercial
The arctic wolf prepared. "rhys, for the final scene, just be a baby... think like a baby... you're one year old, and you love wearing messy diapers." the arctic wolf grinned.
Steam and Snow: an experiment in pleasure
The arctic wolf only gave the fox a deep, long kiss and then - lovingly, but roughly - bent him over the snow.
The Taker Gets Taken - Beginning Field Research
His eyebrows were raised slightly when he saw the arctic wolf adjust the bulge that was in his pants.
Iron Stag (8/8)
Gambit just nodded and led the arctic wolf towards the downstairs basement, having to use the handrail in order to get all the way down to the bottom.