Chapter 1: Cursing librarians and Squeaking raccoons
The bat pony slid her hoof across the cover.
Collecting Evidence
The skull stuck out just the right way to show off the bat ponies sharp teeth, a detail his past bat-pony meal seemed to neglect and a fitting revenge for yesterday's bite. his shoulder was still aching a bit.
Little Star Chapter 2
It housed all of the bat-ponies in equestria and any ponies willing to live with them. sadly, the number of ponies in residence was still too few, even after centuries of coexistence.
The pony and the Panther
Jex smirked at the bat-pony before drawing his head in close to whisper into jackyl's ear.
Protesting Pegasus Protein
Bug about to say something to her nauseous looking companion, before the sickly-looking bat pony unleased a loud burp she took most of her protesting prisoners' air with a spittle-laced gust, instantly quietening down her quavering quarry.
Ar hyd y nos
The first born was a pale grey colt who was followed nearly three minutes later by his sister, a bat pony with midnight blue fur and a silvery mane and tail.
The Death of a Prince - ACT V
There hanging in the tree over her head was a bat pony with a wild mane and tail, and the same breastplate that buck wore.
Chapter 7 – Thestrals
#7 of mlp - power of darkness playful bat-pony friends prove that frolicing, fornication, and friendship are magic. the water was cold and so deep that no light could reach them.
The Nightmare Begins
These bat ponies were getting more brazen with each day! treating him like some kind of servant at the entrance to his own room.
Strange mines
He managed to convince the bat-pony working with them to sneak around the moyos and gather information about them. from what they were talking about, it seemed like they have a tiny underwater base connected to this network of tunnels.
Death To Nightmare Chapter 9
Luna herself was going out to fine her fellow alicorn of the night with a pair of her bat ponies. celestia barely noticed her guards as she walked into her room.** **'maybe a bath would relax me.' celestia thought and turned her bathroom.
Secrets of the Library: Lydia Blackwood
Some bat pony was sneaking in the distance. the bat pony walked up quietly, then he tapped on her shoulder. "hello what's up?" she turned around and saw a handsome stallion. deep in with his eyes looked at gloria autumn.