The buffalo calves asked.
"three nights ago i helped a suicidal woman. she jumped a knight here in world two and grabbed his service weapon. she then aimed the weapon at herself and fired." dongo said.
Adventure Series, Bear, Buffalo Calves, Dark, Doppelganger, Epic Adventure, Fear, High Evolutionary, Humans, Humor, Hyena, Implied Sex, Massacre, Mind-probe, Mongooses, Nudity, Plot Development, Prejudice, Rage, Ram, Story Series, Threat of Violence, Very Long, confrontation, new character, rebels
The buffalo calves are bess and tess and the skunk girl over there is niko."
"hi!" we all said in unison.
"so this is the group that is trying to change the world." the older aardvark said.
Aardvarks, Adventures Series, Aliens, Buffalo Calves, Epic Adventure, Humans, Hyena, Island Adventure, Islands, Membership Drive, Orientation, Plot Development, Prejudice, Reunion, Serval, Skunk, Staff Meeting, Story Series, Totally Screwed, Weekend Retreat, captured, cruise, intervention, serial killer
The two buffalo calves said laughing.
"ahem! moving on." dongo said trying hard to change the subject.
"by the way dongo why are you near naked?!"
Adventure Series, Alligator, Another Mission, Armadillo, Bear, Buffalo Calves, Comical, Counseling, Dinosaur, Dragon, Epic Adventure, Final Judgement, High Evolutionary, Humans, Hyena, Lizards, M/F, Meeting, Nudity, Paddling, Pig, Plot Development, Porcupine, Ridge Racer, Serial, Story Series, Trash talk, Very Long, Video Games, Wolf, prototype, race
At the far end of the room i saw two familiar faces a boy and girl buffalo calves.
"bess? tess?"
"i found them during my last trip here." my she beast said proudly.
"hi alex." tess said.
"hey alex long time no see." bess added.
"you survived!
Bear, Betrayal, Buffalo Calves, Concussion, Cuddling, Dark, Death, Demon, Dog, Doppelganger, Dream, Everything Has Changed, Fear, Horse, Humans, Mongoose, Possession, Short, Trap, despair, diary, fossa
Upon it were three beastials, a rather nice looking hyena who was dressed in a muscle shirt and jeans and two buffalo calves who were dressed in shorts and a tee-shirts.
Adventure Series, Bear, Buffalo Calves, Centaur, Dog, Epic Adventure, Frustration, Heckling, Hugging, Humans, Hyena, M/F, Massage, Meeting, Mission, New friends, Origin Story, Plot Development, Serial, Spies, Story Series, Very Long, Wolves, adoption, confrontation, new character, prototype, rebels, research, undercover
Counter Earth Chronicles
**Chapter 94: Corbin's Revelation (A Quiet And Simple Vacation Part Two)**
Day 313 continued
Commander Rhinox's invitation couldn't have come at a better time. It was close to dinner time anyway. So after wrapping up the...
Adventure Series, Badger, Bear, Big Recap, Buffalo Calves, Dining With Friends, Epic Adventure, Humans, Hyena, Mongoose, Plot Development, Restaurant, Rhino, Serial, Short, Story Series, lake, new character, prototype, revelation
After walking across the island, we decided to try to track down the others, so we headed northwest along the beach in the hope of running into the buffalo calves.
"this is a nice little piece of paradise!" bess said when we found him.
Aardvarks, Adventure Series, Aliens, Buffalo Calves, Epic Adventure, Humans, Humor, Hyena, Implied Sex, Long, Membership Drive, Mystery, Origin Story, Plot Development, Prejudice, Serval, Skunk, Staff Meeting, Story Series, Totally Screwed, Weekend Retreat, captured, cruise, imposter, serial killer, surprise
It turned out that the two younglings were the buffalo calves from the ultimate fate news special i had seen on the hub. i recognized them almost instantly.
Adventure Series, Buck, Buffalo Calves, Cheetah, Epic Adventure, Fear, Goat, Humans, Humor, Lizard, Long, Nagas, No-Yiff, Plot Development, Ram, Steer, Story Series, Tiger, Violence (Not In Yiff), Were-creature, caracal, scorpion, terror
The buffalo calves said. "we can send you a list of the episodes that have aired."
"even better." i said.
"niko world five signing off."
"cinder world four signing off."
"neil world three signing off."
Aardvark, Adventure Series, Aliens, Avian, Bear, Buffalo Calves, Counseling, Cuddling, Curfew, Doppelganger, Dream, Epic Adventure, Humans, Hyena, Lioness, Mole, Plot Development, Protests, Shock, Skunk, Story Series, Tiger, Trance, Very Long, terror
the door of the lab opened and three beastials entered the room two young buffalo calves- a boy and a girl and a adult mare.
_"ah yes you three will do nicely. come, come here!"
Adventure Series, Buffalo Calves, Communal Bathing, Communal Sleeping, Coyote, Dragon, Epic Adventure, Forced Transformation, Furry On Human Violence, Goat, Griffon, Horse, Hugging, Humans, Humor, Lioness, Long, M/F, Manticore, Minotaur, Otter, Plot Development, Story Series, Ultimate Fate, Zebra, new character
I said greeting the two buffalo calves and our hyena leader for our weekly meeting.
"someone sounds especially chipper this morning." dongo said exhausted.
"what's wrong dongo?" i asked.
"someone had a tough week." bess said.
Adventure Series, Archeologist, Bear, Buffalo Calves, Cave Bear, Doppelganger, Eccentric, Epic Adventure, Full Disclosure, Humans, Humorous, Hyena, Kangaroo, Long, Mongoose, New Assignment, Plot Development, Recap, Saber tooth tiger, Secrets, Serial, Story Series, Tiger, interrogation, interview, prototype