E & K~~The Chase:
**This is part of an anthology series I'm adding and working on, inspired by a lot of great works I've read by my new friend [![avatar?user=16565&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurry.com/std/avatar?user=16565&character=0&clevel=2)...
Between - Chapter 2 (Rey)
Uniformed ex-soldiers catch my eye, but they're all looking down, some of them with their ears flattened. i wonder if they're having a hard time adjusting to this place, too.
Champion Stables
He groaned thickly, his head spinning as the beast continued to eager rut his new breeding bitch, the ex-soldier too far drugged to put up any resistance.
Between - Chapter 2 (Dian)
>>> https://www.patreon.com/ardyhart << **dian** like the rest of the ex-soldiers i plan on asking, i know rey cannot resist the urge to help. i know him the best, which is why i knew he would need time to think about it.
My Little Fantasy: Sephiroth is Magic!
The divine ungulate savored the ex-soldier's materia-infused saliva as he snaked his slick taster throughout her yielding, moaning maw. strands of spittle sparkled in the serene moonlight as sephiroth seperated to speak.
Holiday Present
Tyson was beginning to drool to the ex-soldier's physique. kenji then grabbed his pants and slowly pull them down, teasing the heliolisk even more. after pulling his pants off, they hid a pink thong he was wearing.
Around the Bend Part IV
The four chatted for a bit longer before waving goodbye to the ex-soldier and made their way to the car. the ride home was uneventful for the most part.
Counter Earth Chronicles Chapter 65: Something Better Than This (The Consortium For Mutual Coexistence Part Two)
I asked the two ex-soldiers from another time period. "same as you checking out this group." the blond haired grizzled ex-soldier said to me.
The Chronciles of Vaahn - The Way Forward
To top it all off, my new headmaster just happens, by sheer coincidence, to be an ex-soldier who wants to be on best friend terms? i don't think so.
Blood Rose-9
Even an ex-soldier needed companionship and her silence was driving him mad. "i'm sorry," he said, looking up into the star-lit sky one night. he lay near her, watching her carefully before looking up again.
Meant to Be, Ch 2
"only if you don't have a problem sharing a wall with a straight ex-soldier." replied ackert. "ex-soldier?" cory's ears went up, and he turned to regard the crack, "you used to be a guard?" "yea."
Old Dog's New Tricks
The hyena's long, wet tongue was a good tool for ass-eating, and made a good job at rimming the ex-soldier's military grade anus with its long, sweet swipes.