The Human: Chapter 1
The void Aaron was in taunted him with images of his past. His life was flashing before his very eyes. Gruesome images of his mother's untimely death, horrific sound created as his father was slain before his very eyes. Aaron felt every breath get...
A Conversation in Altered Space
The 'light magic' way, or the 'extra-dimensional' way? if it's the latter, then yeah. that's what i am. i am a light dragon.
Expanding Realities
Contains: d&d style fantasy setting, extra-dimensional magic shops, casual nudity, allusions to vore, spooky mouths, teleporting around, failed haggling, tailmaw threats and setup for the next story tizak and dremati belong to fa: ashgar~ this was written
The Quest for the Holy Dildo #18
It's causes are officially unknown, but some have claimed it is caused by the ingestion of certain bodily fluids from extra-dimensional creatures from other universes. these proponents claim even a small amount can cause this syndrome to manifest.
Various agencies from around the world operate to maintain human independence from extra-terrestrial, extra-dimensional, and extra-universal threat.
Light Bane: Chapter 47
They just want to live as a dragon, not extra-dimensional beings! i know i want to. you're making things much harder than it should!" "silence, traitor!
Windfall: Tied at the Dock
It'd been a while since they'd been stalked by any extra-dimensional monsters, but wandering the wooded and eerie ground of bourn manor at night had a history of attracting them.
Tales of the Traveller, Chapter 2- Journey's Beginning, Part 2: Deconstructing the Legend
You've got knowledge of extra-dimensional physics! and you're saying you don't have guns?" "what are these 'guns' then?" draig asked, seriously wanting to know.
Spicy Dragon Roll (1/3)
"you are some sort of extra-dimensional creature that is opening a restaurant that is also extra-dimensional in order to... do what exactly?
Cafe Enigma 0: Prologue
Much of this portion of the city has been devoted to nexia extra-dimensional university and closely resembles that of a typical college campus save for the fact that humanity is not the only race that is enrolled.
Chapter 11 - Ultraviolet
They are extra-dimensional entities, they have limited powers in most realms. but three hundred years ago, the asgard attempted to invade my realm to "purge" it. we fought them off but it was a long and costly war..." "ultraviolet!" shouted odin.
Changes (BETA)
**prolouge** breaking news, research at the large hadron collider has uncovered evidence of extra dimensional particles responsible for the effects of gravity.