Tale Of Silverfang

great-dragons were the only race ever considered powerful enough to ever challenge the gods, and our story starts with the first dragon to ever do so. it started on prathius, a small and flourishing world.

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Chapter 4: Too Human - The Great Dragon Escape

"Come on Frank, I'm telling you the truth really please we need to borrow you're car," I pleaded desperately to a rather annoyed and stern looking Frank. "No you're no borrowing my car to go and rescue some stupid dragons from the stupid Bristol...

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The Five Guides

The fewer eyes upon you at once, the better you may do the work of the great dragon.


The Parable of the Three Dragons

Pained screams followed them as the great dragon sank into the molten currents. when amra turned to look back into the glow with tearful eyes there was no sign left of the great dragon.

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Mistress Cyn part 3. Abandoned Incomplete

Again the great dragon trailed off, his insecurity shining clearly in his eyes.

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Scarlet Feathers

Young would be left parentless, liars would be left unprotected and neither side would gain anything.", the great dragoness nearly growled.

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Bee Stories 9

I placed my drink down in front of me, looked the dragon squarely in the eyes for as long as i could, and asked, "and what is it that you want to warn me about, oh great dragon?"

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The Dragon and the Knight (A tale of Shadowrun)

Each spurt seemed stronger than the last, the young human bathed in the great dragon's blue seed.

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The Princess's Secret

Ahni, terrified though she was, made not a sound beyond her breathing as the great dragon continued.

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The price I made you pay -Gift- Fyrrex

Up she could see the large lump of a creature that was now food moving to join the other squirming lump as it barely even made a dent on the great dragon lord.

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The Dancing Diplomat

"oh, great dragon, i plan to do that by giving you a most princely gift. the finest rump in all the neighboring kingdoms."

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