World of Dead Earth

#5 of losing humanity the major cities in dead earth, also a work in progress. vicentendia, dead earth- the largest and most 'productive' city of dead earth.

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Plant Anatomy

#4 of losing humanity another further glance into the world of dead earth. this is also a work in progress and will be updated regularly.

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#3 of losing humanity this is the working bestiary for the world of losing humanity, dead earth. in other words, it will be added to as i continue to write. i hope you guys enjoy the added information and look into the world of dead earth.

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Love at First Fight

"ready to lose human?" the ogremon laughed. "you wish." he retorted as he easily dodged the ogremon's attack, and sending him through the wall with a series of punches and kicks he called hurricane blitz. 'wow' thought renamon 'he is strong.'


Max Myers and his TFS-109 Chapter..4

"you gonna lose human." tom said taking a fast one whit difficult level on expert, which made max to smirk because he had all ways fast reaction time because all his training in marshal arts. "who do you think is gonna win."

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Gumiho: Our Life Has Just Begun (4)

I dug my claws into that meat and planted my biggest, wettest kiss on its face, leaving behind sticky drool and a nose that began popping and contorting into a muzzle--ears that rapidly stretched high over a head that was losing human hair. "nu uh."

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Her thighs became thick and round and her body started to soften and round out, losing human definition. her face now a long narrow muzzle. emma's neck lengthened ever so slightly, and thickened along with her torso.

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This Storm is Bugging Me! (Alien Insect TF)

Soon after, he felt his eyes begin to tingle, as though they, too, were losing human functionality. though not painful, the sensation did erupt over their entire surface.

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He grew bigger, his huge muscles deformed the shape of his torso, barreling out and losing human definition. "yes, or no? it can't be both., silly. if you were a human, why are you getting so bent out of shape over a cow like me?

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Hare Of The Fox

Her torso was rapidly losing human definition and becoming more tube shaped. rick's dick became more and more visible from the outside as a bulge in her abdomen as she continued to get smaller while he remained the same size!

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