A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 10)

The husky squinted and blinked several times after exposing his eyes to the bright light that flooded into the room. After getting used to the light, a sudden feeling of panic rushed over him as he felt that he was late for school. He panicked and...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 9)

"It took you guys long enough" said the tiger to his friends who had just came out of Ky's room. The couple started giggling as they walked over and sat on the couch next to each other, paws laced together. "Yeah, sorry about that." Tobias...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 8)

\*Whaaat III've dooone. I start again, to cross out what III've beeecome.\* Tobias lurched as the sound of his loud, annoying phone woke him. He opened his eyes, only to shut them soon after, due to the light in his room. After he got oriented,...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 7)

"What?" asked Tobias, kind of shocked by Josh's statement. "I just wanted to tell you that I am sorry about the way I reacted to what you told me earlier." said Josh. "Oh... Really?" Tobias asked. "Yeah... I am sorry." Josh said in a sad...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 6)

The husky tapped his paw against the steering wheel of his van to the beat of the depressing techno music that vibrated in his ears. He thought about how he was going to tell his best friend about the love that he and Ky shared. Tobias started going...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 5)

Tobias felt amazing. The most amazing wolf he had ever met was lying on his stomach, looking up at him. It was the best feeling in the world to love someone so much, and to know that he loves you just as much. Ky was laying on Tobias's stomach and...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 4)

Sunlight pushed its way into a room that was already filled with something else; love. The sunlight only added to the overall positive feeling of the room. Trance music still played as the melodic chords sounded in time to the bass that let you...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 3)

Tobias lay in his warm bed, in his dark room, in his quiet house, thinking about a wolf. Not just any wolf. Ky. He had just pressed the" end call" button on his phone after a three and a half hour call. He had talked with Ky about everything that...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 2)

Tobias woke up the next morning to something caressing his chest. He murred and smiled at the attention he was getting as he opened his eyes only to see another pair staring back at him. He recognized the deep bluish-gray eyes instantly. "Good...

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A Name, Not A Number (Chapter 1)

The light stun the husky's eyes. He looked around trying to figure out where he was. "Toby, get up!" His eyes slowly started to adjust to light and focus. A figure stood before him, but what or who was it. "Toby, get out of bed right now. I am not...

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The Lost Lie (Chapter Three)

The young wolf didn't know what to think. He was shocked, but at the same time, felt somewhat comfortable with the idea. In a way, it kind of seemed right. Tobias and Ky, Ky and Tobias; but still, they were both guys. Kale had very little exposure...

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The Lost Lie (Chapter Two)

"Stop it Josh, your smudging the glass!" "But they are sooo cool!" said the lanky tiger before pulling his face from up against the large window. "They're just jets man," the husky stated, chuckling, "I am sure they are just amazed by you as you...

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