
"i see you're finally awake bill. i've heard about you from some of the older scientists here but i never thought i would be able to see you in the flesh. or would it be fur?"

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Wet Me Down

bill's nuts brushed up against the furry chin. "_fuck_, dude." "heh, happy to." fox gave no warning of what came next, the hand on his nipple leaving to settle just under bill's tail.

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Beastars Alternate - Chapter 1

bill heard his hurried steps behind him, but they didn't matter.

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The Water Bill

The issue was the water bill. he had gotten into more than one discussion with his parents about the money going into the water bill.

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Paying the Bill

"though, i could be persuaded to let the other half of the bill go if you did something for me." perking back up, the horse nodded quickly, "i'll do absolutely anything to get this sword from you."

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It Pays the Bills

Sometimes when you have a gift you use it to pay the bills, and for a couple of shapeshifters they find that being able to do custom scenarios for pornographic films makes great use of their talents as well as their libidos.

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Jon Mahon Chronicles

It was an awesome team: bill nye had lots of science knowledge, bill gates had lots of money to spend to fund bill nye's research, and billy mays could sell just about anything to just about anyone.

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Regret Chapter 5

Even the transmission link with bill grey became fuzzy. "the freighter is using a tractor beam on me! it's a trick; they're in league with the pirates, bill! i think they're trying to capture military hardware for parts or something!"

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Regret Chapter 4

"that's the _third_ time you've told me that story, bill. come on, get dressed and get your things. the next showing is in twenty minutes.

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Bill's secret pleasures

"you did well, bill.... you did very well."

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