The Greek's Arrival
The one that had taken dunkin's place chuckled, "we are the greek gods. you see, the mortals that you were accompanying decided to make a pact with us.
greek mythos
The rubied crowned golden adonis of the skies of Athor streched his wings to the breaths of distant shores keeping watchful of the moonless night lulling to the music from the hall the chosen of Ashyer with the gifts of the seers sheltered...
Bonded by Love Chapter 1 The Talent Show
Nathanial winked back at the large black wolf. Jack just waved back and in his green eyes showed signs of love, happiness, and hope. Nathanial smiled and turned back around. All the stares in the audience made him feel uneasy but he pressed on. As the...
Willow's begining part 3
Willow had no logical explination for the ice. She had read pleanty of books on weather and cold. Perhaps it was very cold? No. It was summer. Mabey it had gotten very cool so the ground covered in frost and the rest melted? No. It was still around...
Bonded by love Chapter 2: The Threat
He raised the same Ocarina that jack had found. He played a quick tune and fire exploded from him bathing everything and everyone in the heat. Wailing, burning fur, charred flesh. All of it was wonderful to Nathanial. Everything to the smell to the...
Dodekatheon Pantheon
#3 of scion material an introduction to the greek pantheon in scion **name:** dodekatheon **culture:** greek **details:** second oldest of the divine tribes, the dodekatheon comprises the olympian gods of greco-roman legend.
Deep in the forest Artemis hunted with her silver bow, her pack of dogs keeping watch for strange men that followed her. She aimed, pulling back the silver arrow and lining up her shot with a large buck. Beside her she noticed Apollo arriving, he...
The Stables
"helios, i noticed all the names on the stall doors are of greek gods". "yes, your right. i have a penchant for greek gods, so i've named all my stallions after them".
The Story Teller: Daedalus & Icarus
A written adaptation of jim henson's the story teller greek tales. for those of you unfamiliar with the stories, there is a man and his dog who wander as lost souls do.
On the Torment of Scylla and the Cruelty of Glowcow
Recently was reading a history of greek mythology and was surprised at just how horrible scylla got it. i figured it was time for her to get a little payback. no sexy stuff this time around, just goofy fun. comments always appreciated.
His opponent this time was still a bird this time, by the looks of it a crane who didn't appear to be greek at all. even the avian's garb didn't appear greek and gave off an asian appeal.
1-Mission Start!
Well, being the inquisitive person i am, i go online to translate the phrase, which is a combo of both japanese and greek text, all in all meaning "error, processor failure, unable to read script".