Phase One: Invading Personal Space
"well, they are already working on the poliwrath, the beheeyem is already on his new form. hehe, the sableye is next and with that sleeping powder he'll sleep even longer than the poliwrath!" wait... poliwrath... len!
The Guild's Dog Part 4: Blastoise
**[good ending]** lucario escaped poliwrath's hold just in time for greninja to hit him, instead freezing poliwrath in a block of ice. "...!" greninja realized he just froze poliwrath, and then realized lucario was gone. "where..."
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Cianwood City
poliwrath wasn't expecting bayleef to suddenly jump over the poison jab before suddenly descending down and landing right on poliwrath causing good damage. the body slam also had an unintended effect of paralysing poliwrath too.
Tora- More Than A Badge
Ice beam, poliwrath!" as april gathered enough electricity for an attack, the poliwrath was already firing off its attack.
Pokebrothel 8
Then the poliwrath hopped on the bed and rolled around laughing. when everything calmed down, he motioned for the charmander to come, it was time to start.
New Journey Chapter 16: Tidal
But poliwrath wasn't done yet. he suddenly burst from the water, flipping sky's platform again, and this time when she dodged, he turned and dove in midair back down at her.
Phase Two: Convert the Shield
The other chairs were filled in with a sableye and a poliwrath. the sableye sported a large grin on his face and the poliwrath had a cheery look in his eyes. from look at their uniforms he could tell they were guards.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Cinnabar Island
"poliwrath has been registered to your pokedex. poliwrath the tadpole pokemon, a water and fighting type. with its extremely tough muscles, it could keep swimming in the pacific ocean without resting."
A Bolt Out of the Blue
As poliwrath prepared for an attack kody leaped out from the bushes placing himself between poliwrath and vulpix. "a raichu?" the woman sounded surprised. "they're not normally found on this route. well, guess we get a two for one."
Electric Touch: Chapter 18 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
Nikki hamilton proudly displayed her third pokémon to the audience, which was a poliwrath.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Return to Kanto
Politoed headed away from poliwrath and enjoyed the lotion he received. i think politoed tried to get poliwrath to come on over but poliwrath refused, not wanting to trouble his trainer.
Pokemon - To Catch Them All - Saffron City
poliwrath managed to land a powerful body slam but venusaur seemed to shrug the attack off before retaliating with a giga drain restoring all of his health. poliwrath struggled to stand up but another giga drain defeated poliwrath.