TCN Interview, Robert Orr
Today we have robert orr. as with all individual interviews, this one follows a pre established set of questions.
This one goes out to robert. dj&fluffypaws forever. he was one of those people that you only get once in a life time you know?
robert, you were the only man, not family i've ever loved, without a single wanton thought. if we could live those days, again, we ought... ...but we know that will never be.
robert lunges at blaze. blaze counters the attack. they fight. blaze gives robert a few punches until robert blocks the forth one. robert hits back. blaze kicks robert in the gut and upper cut kicks him into the air.
Political Corruption
Ranging from barack obama to robert mugabe to john key, many different politicians are corrupt. they all seem to share similar attributes with their speeches, actions and appeasement of the public.
the training of robert
#3 of time travellers (1st person from roberts's point of view) "ugh my head. what happened? caroline? chrono? where are you? where am i?" i look at my arms to find that they are tied to posts in the ground.
Michael and Amanda, Chapter 10
As robert drove her home, wanda found herself fighting a desire. that desire was to reach over and hold robert's hand.
Having Nothing to Hyde
"we think that you're robert louis stevenson." "that would be correct. belfour, in case you were wondering, was my mother's maiden name.
Teen Male love
robert sniffs "i do love you". robert and jacob kiss. jacob grins as he starts sucking robert's tongue... robert thinks as he wiggles his tongue in jacob's mouth "so that's what it is like snicker i can get used to this".
Grabbing robert's ankles, and lifting them up, durgon felt he teased robert long enough.
Biting Theory (Infected part 2)
robert stuttered between sobs. "forever." rust extended a hand to robert. robert took it, and pulled himself up. "i am not going to die here." robert thought, "they used to be furs, but they are no longer."
The Dragon And The Horse
robert asks the dragon. "just as i said i have a job for him to do robert."