Kionxbaliyo 2
#2 of baliyo x kion kion gets pounded baliyo and surak pounds nirmala but surak gets sucked by kion and nirmala and kion goes into his and her heat i went up to baliyo and nuzzled him "baliyo i'm in my heat" i told him putting my paw on his hidden member
Baliyo x kion
I yelled out nirmala and surak chuckled "yes you are!" but baliyo added "your the most beautiful lion i've ever seen" my eyes widened. i blushed and smiled "you really think so?" i asked "hey baliyo back of he's mine!"
Unending Love: Love And Pain - S1E8
**surak is listening and he smiles.** surak: awww... maalum: \*gets up, feeling better\* i know. that's not the point. \*maalum let's out a cough\*. you hurt her. you made her promises. you gave her hope. and now she has nothing.
Unending Love: Love And Roar - S1E23
surak: kion. rani wants to talk to you. privately. kion: uh... ok, surak. \*looks at maalum\* i'll be back. \*kisses his cheek\* **maalum purrs.** **then, inside the tree...** rani: kion.
Unending Love - A Kion and Maalum Love Story | Season 1 - Episode 3 & 4 TRAILER
After some time, ono guides kion to nirmala and surak in the forest. surak: we found some footprints. later that day... dogo: \*thinking\* i will make kion pay for what he did to my sister.
Unending Love: Feeling Used - S1E13
He also told me to see if i can get into a relationship with surak. maalum: wow. surak? \*surprised\* kijana: yes! \*sad\* you look terrible. tell me what happened between you and kion. maalum: oh. well... it's... it's complicated.
Unending Love: Trying To Fix Things - S1E9
surak: i don't think so, baliyo. nirmala: surak. i think you should lead the night pride. surak: ok, nirmala. nirmala: and maalum? you think you can stay with rani until she's better?
MAALUM: Chapter 6 - Welcome To The Tree Of Life
surak replies. "with strength and respect..." "...night pride, protect!" the three say the motto of the night pride. "maalum. follow me." he obeys. on the way to the tree, maalum asks: "so... are you the queen?" "that's right.
Unending Love: Help And Comfort - S1E14
The ones who will leave the tree of life (kion, kiara, baliyo, surak, bunga and anga) are waiting for someone: maalum.** kion: where's maalum? rani: i think he's almost here. he said he was calling someone to go with you. kion: huh... ok.
In a Bind
Meanwhile, surak and baliyo tried to extinguish the fire in the entrance out by shovelling dirt onto it and beating it with their paws as best they could.
Unending Love: Maalum And Scar - S2E2
surak: we heard a scream. do you know what's happening? kion: nothing happened. nirmala: you sure? it was a big scream. **makini's blushing.** kion: \*blushes too\* actually... nirmala: what?
Yaz Buraldkin, the first King of Abun
The league also increased its commercial and military relations with foreign countries, such as the kingdoms of nylus and hat'ny, and also received men from the city-states of surak and ald'hin, forming an economic and military alliance between those countries