Tales of an Enslaved Foxytaur 2 Training begins.
She felt tawna rub against her entire body as tawna helped position triss for her bath.
Tales of enslaved Foxytaurs 3 part1
She said as a nod from the snow white wolftaur allowed tawna to put the new born cub right at triss' cock head.
At the Arena
It would give her a chance to forget her heartbreaking conversation with tawna, if only for a little while. she knew tawna and the other girls relied on her, saw her as their leader.
Preparing the Female Bandicoot-Chapter 1: Here we See the Female Bandicoot.
#1 of preparing the female bandicoot hello all, this is your home girl tawna.
The Plan Chapter 1
Cortex, there are only two compatible females in all of the world for crash; coco and tawna. tawna doesn't possess the intellect to undo what we did, and if coco were otherwise occupied..."
Preparing the Female Bandicoot-Chapter: The Rebirth of the Female Bandicoot
"uhh...he-he-he happy birthday tawna.", n-brio had said with a nervous chuckle, "welcome to the first day of b-u-bu-bu-both your new life, and your new body".
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure, Entry 47
](http://crashbandicoot.wikia.com/wiki/tawna) [http://lurking-leanne.deviantart.com/art/tawna-bandicoot-493674449](http://lurking-leanne.deviantart.com/art/tawna-bandicoot-493674449) [http://seg0lene.deviantart.com/art/cb-crash-special-series-11-tawna-bandicoot
Coco's Employment
Similarly she had a chance to glance down, it made sense, the size of her chest had been added to, matching tawna's rather than compressing her own assets. "whh, whhh ghhn hhn?! mmmhhh!"
Trapped with Dingodile
Crash didn't know if he was serious or if he was the kind that likes to tell a bad joke - something that he also liked to do with tawna - during a time like this.
Commission: Sleeper Royale
tawna had never talked about anything like that, but then... she'd been kind of useless, and it wasn't like there were a lot of bandicoots to ask on the island.
Crash and Verona: Coco's Inside Story
"tawna...do...do you think that god stays in heaven because he, too, lives in fear of what he's created?" neo cortex surprisingly-thought-provokingly asked tawna while still being completely unable to believe what he was looking at in the process.
It Started With Toast- chapt 11
"that was just a mistake; he properly thought i was tawna or some other girl." aku aku let out a laugh and smiled. "what i'm about to say is something that not a lot of people know this but, crash didn't mistake you for anyone one else."