Castlevania: Tammy Nook's Reign - Charlise

The mummy demon was a traitor of the ancient egyptian queen ankha after trying to usurp her throne. tammy promised to help her get revenge if she joined. the poltergeist was a playful demon that had been cast out of the place that she had died in.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 11

It is only a fragment of a long text and written in three languages, ancient egyptian in hieroglyphics, in demotic and ancient greek.

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Camilla - The Conquerer, Chapter 2

Not to be overlooked in their villa and also in the park was his penchant for ancient egyptian mythology. every god was present there and the sculptures always reached the 3 meter size, were imposingly detailed.

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The term mage is a descendent of the word magi which dates back to ancient egypt. the magi were a group of the pharos priests.

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The Will of Kings - Chapter 2

Google/bing translate did not have ancient egyptian and i cannot guarantee that a hieroglyphic typeset would display, so i chose the one that use ascii and did not did not have recognizable characteristic.

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War's Oversight - Chapter 06

Close to, it resembled something like a wireframe drawing of an ancient egyptian obelisk. unlike something made of stone, however, the wind gusts on this flat part of the planet made it creak very, very slightly and deflect to one side.

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The Mystic Sands | Chapter 1

These were vital to the ancient egyptians because each inscription was a spell. without it, the organ simply would not make it into the afterlife. they would never risk putting random words on something so sacred."

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Ra's Enemy

As the time progressed isaac had become increasingly happy, the information he was learning about ancient egypt was far more diverse than he had first hypothesized.

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Inferno High - Chapter 7

My dad's christian, my sister's pagan, and my mom's ancient egyptian. i told you, i don't really care about other people's religions." "yeah, because sunday nights were a fucking holocaust." [daniel] "that family's all kinds of wrong."

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SYBT - A Transformational Translation

It was of ancient egyptian origin and she was an expert in deciphering hieroglyphics, granted she was working off of a high res picture and not the real scroll like she had wanted to.

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Some personal fancy for artifacts of ancient egypt, or even a superstition about their powers. perhaps he sought eternal life, as many men did. some said the ankhs would grant it. that was not the case, of course.

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Axel & Rena Part 6 By: Renatamer

Asked frank, "the ancient egyptians didn't have cargo pants."** **with a final nodded and smile, frank looked the two digimon over.

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