Roth Tales 08
In his facial features michael could see the genes of both noble wolf and striking husky mixing. from his father he'd gotten his compact muscle, gray and white coat, fluffy tail and cute puppy belly that had never gone away.
College Life
They got up off the couch and surrounded him, an almost menacing scene for the innocent mutt, a german shepherd-husky mix with all the best traits of both pressed into a slightly bulky body, the kinda weight that youth makes seem so much lighter, bouncy even
Just a Loser Pothead
With that, the shepherd/husky mix spun in place at the foot of the recliner, her tail curled revealingly to the side. i dropped my jaw at her glistening spade, poking out from her medium-length brown fur.
Into the Abyss
The diminutive shiba inu/husky mix continued to do her best to look the great pyrenees in the eyes from her vantage point just above the larger female's beltline "i've been carrie's friend since orientation last spring, so i know what it means.
Ch. 1 Loss of Blood
They assumed that he must have been a husky mixed with something else. they had the head of the husky only a lot more streamline along with the trade marked stunning blue eyes that always got them a date when they needed one back in high school.
Family Business
The grayish wild-dog and husky mix pulled his face out from flux's chest and rested a paw over his brother's forearm. "i thought we shared everything.
As white as the Snow — A Balto Fan fiction.
A red and white female pure breed husky and a gray and white wolf, husky mix male. jenna and his former son balto :-). he was one of the first litter of the two and was named kodi. and we all probably know of who his future mate would be. if not.
As white as the Snow — A Balto Fan fiction.
A red and white female pure breed husky and a gray and white wolf, husky mix male. jenna and his former son balto :-). he was one of the first litter of the two and was named kodi. and we all probably know of who his future mate would be. if not.
The First Annual Cockvore Paradise Tournament
The breasts entered first, followed by the rest of the doberman-husky mix. dani grinned at the two males as shi bounded in, hir sixteen-inch erection easily longer and thicker than the other two.