Fighting them in the air would be hard to accomplish since the fighting was so local, thus t-bone moved the turbokat a ways back and prepared to land it at a safe distance.
SWAT Kats: Wrong Place, Wrong Time, Ch 5
When she stopped and went to hover mode, t-bone brought the jet into position. "hold her steady, t-bone!" razor said tightly as he readied to do a two step firing. "roger!" t-bone answered as he placed the jet into hover mode.
SWAT Kats: Joining a Pride, Ch 24
t-bone's gruff voice echoed back to the lions standing with a flashlight outside the door of the happily united couple.
Take A Chance On Me
t-bone smiled to himself as he looked forward again, he was nearly blushing and he did a sharp left making the kats hit their sides as they turned. "whoa! going a bit fast there t-bone?"
Swat Kats: Pump it UP!
His balls swung against t-bone's own, clapping bollocks with a trickling of pre that dribbled down the bigger cat's rump.
t-bone said in shocked horror. "that portal snatched him t-bone, obviously, and your guess is as good as mine." razor said shakily.
Taking Chances (Rule 34 Teaser)
Chance slipped into his jumpsuit and donned the mask, adopting his alter-ego of t-bone and walked out toward the jet after about twenty minutes.
Unusual Attraction
As jake (or razor), fitted on his glovatrix t-bone started the turbokat's powerful engines. he flipped acrobatically into the copilot's chair, landing smoothly, and readied it for battle. "lest go t-bone."
Comfort Food, the rest
You can probably see why he preferred "t-bone" to his given name.
Breaking The Ice: The SWAT Kats Connection pt1
t-bone ejected their cyclotrons to the street by remote then parked the turbokat on a nearby roof. the pair repelled down to the street.
Age Lines { Jake/Callie }
Jake gave his costmary smirk. " you ready t-bone? " chance sighed, grinding out his cigarette into an ashtray. " god, i hope so. "
Ultimate Furry Crossover: An Adult Choose Your Own Adventure - Hellstation & Superstation
([http://swatkats.info/encyclopedia/entries/t-bone-chance-furlong](http://swatkats.info/encyclopedia/entries/t-bone-chance-furlong)) **en route to the core** doom guy ([https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/doomguy](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/doomguy