Her Most Precious Treasure

He even trekked deeper completely undetected by the higher demons until he was discovered by a female guard who interestedly enough wanted the same ambitions as him. she toured heaven without being detected as well.

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To Dream of Darkness III - CH 53

He would not recall making the decision that he was willing to sacrifice his mistress and family to his ambition. sarina finally got off the sleeping lord's shaft, and went to the cabinet that the real meghan was sleeping in.

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Alphabet Challenge 2018 - J is for Jumbo

When she finally achieves the means to do so though, her ambitions soon grow bigger. much, much bigger. this story was written for chaoticqueen as part of my 2018 alphabet challenge.

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No Frills: Daniel "Baoh" Jones

ambition _young childhood_ despite the problems that his appearance caused him, daniel became more curious about his feline appearance and why he had turned out the way he had.

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Flora: Rhyme and Shine

It was a gentle tap on his nose, nothing more, nothing less but enough to get him to blink open his eyes and get out of that circle of doubt and ambition.

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No Frills: Grukkal

He didn't have a clear ambition to create order in his world by any means, these were half-conceived ambitions as he was more interested in the here and now, but this was the general direction of his aspirations at the time.

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The Warring World

And started to stretch their ambitions beyond their domain. their lord carrstran looked to expand his territory. and was not above using force to do so.

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Jack Slyvers Bio

He spent the next eight years studying botany and contributing to the research group his father was once part of, driven by his ambition and desire to learn.

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D&D Character Concept: Fire Genasi Pheonix Sorcerer Kiana Ashti

ambition grew like a flame within kiana as her own powers grew, and soon she became restless.

Dispersal of the Prince

"humans see only themselves, moving ever forward in their fever dream of progress--and they will consume everything in their ambition. but there is another option--a slower one, more calculated one. we can go backward. explore routes we've overlooked."

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Lingering Melancholy

Without that clear vision or conceit of ambition, he fails to find a reason why he's straining his back with this problem life and troubled mind. but he can't just...stop, can he?... ...he feels like having a burger tonight.


Hunger poem

This is a man, and he's a man with ambitions and aspirations. to simply eat him would put an end to it all. though would he be against that? his fascination far exceeds normal and he has a thing for tigers, it appears.

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