Chapter 16- "A New Possibility"
Natalie pulled up outside of the house soon after Light sent Nadine home with the Note. For this plan to work, she needed to have it for a couple of days. Which should work considering her part of the deal was that she could use the Death Note to kill...
Drug Me
Who here has had a visit from DARE in middle school? DARE is a program that basically teaches people to not to drugs or alcohol. And I took the messages that they taught personally. My mom smoked cigarettes, so my immediate reaction was "Oh my god!...
Fight Me
What would you do if you had a million dollars? Would you get a new house? Pay off your mortgage or loans? Save it in the bank for a rainy day? Or splurge it all in one day because spending money can be exciting? I'll tell you what I would do with a...
Chapter 15- "Kira Strikes Back"
Light was standing outside the motel room when Nadine showed up on her bike. She swung her backpack over her shoulder and slung it onto the ground. "What's up?" she asked. Light motioned subtly for her to stay silent as Jackson was still right outside...
"The Freshman 800" Part 2: A Cheat
_Jamie had always loved his teddy bear._ _ Cassie gave it to him when they turned four together. It was battered and tossed away in the dumpster behind the bowling alley. Cassie had always wondered who would ever throw something in semi-good condition...
The Freshman 800
Awesome! My first commission! This is so exciting for me that I finally get to do what I love for a living. Someone from a different website (not going to reveal names because I don't want to get sued) asked me to write a story about their fursona...
Down One Up One
Previously on the Amazing Race, our teams traveled to the city-state of Singapore. Some enjoyed being on the camera more than others. Conflict between other teams arose that started from a harmless prank by Nick. Donna started to hate her own partner....
Picture This
Previously on the Amazing Race, our 16 teams got a chance to sleep the day away in Samoa. But a few of the teams took the time for some serious strategy. Tammy gave the critics their other Express Pass. Nick set fire to a bush. The prostitutes came in...
Fired Up
Previously on the Amazing Race, our remaining teams got caught up in a game of golf. Then traveled back in time to the good ol' days by using pioneer tools to trisect a giant wooden log. A little romance started to brew between two racers (\*cough\*...
Slice Of Life
Previously on the Amazing Race, the teams landed in Norway safe and sound. But it was an immediate run to search through ancient ruins then scarf down a traditional meal. Many alliances were formed while a few old ones revamped themselves. Tammy &...
Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 2)
Previously on part one the Amazing Race All-Stars premiere, 18 teams from the past returned for a second chance at the million dollar prize; all the teams that you love and love to hate. At the first challenge, teams either had to pop balloons to find...
Hey Now, You're An All-Star (Pt. 1)
Toner lies on the massage table, ears drooping and sighing softly, even when his favorite masseuse, a thin purple coyote named Quentin, rubs his shoulders softly. "You know what I miss most about her?" Toner asks him, referring to his recent breakup...