The Research Continues [Commission]

The conditioning seems to have held. however, retention of the conditioning remains an issue. suggestions were implanted for subject 2 to 'take a couple of days off'. within 30 hours, the conditioning weakened.

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Slightly Foxed, But Still Desirable

"condition, condition, condition," he said softly, then placed the book carefully to one side before looking back at the kitsune.

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Splice - Main Character Profiles

(** **or search for "splice conditioning" on your home country's amazon!

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Isle of Earth and Sky: Chapter 1

"but the other thing is the-" "conditioning." allus looks stunned for a few seconds. "yeah...their minds are more solidified, more resistant to our conditioning." "why not just increase the conditioning level?" he suggests.

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For Better or for Worse Chaps. 3-4

_" "whenever data on your condition is collected, we can do more to help you.

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Summer sTrip 2

"how long has your spouse had this unfortunate condition?" "what condition, doctor?" "your spouse seems to only possess the genitalia of a male and i can find no female internal organs." "what are you saying?!"

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Flamefeathers-Recovery - Preview

She said being around the very object of her desires and mastering herself in the face of such temptation was the quickest way to recovery from her condition. that word again. her condition. it was always a condition wasn't it?

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Birthday Wishes - M/M - Chapter Two - FINAL

"you're conditioned to instantly bond and obey, to the master or mistress, you first see.

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Alluring Nights II

While he was conditioned to only drink the blood of the aroused, she was conditioned to receive pain as pleasure and heat rushed to her cheeks, staining them red. dimitri only chuckled softly.

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Hypnos Academy Chapter 1

"your three-day orientation period will be used for conditioning and collecting medical data about you. we will condition you with the collars to ensure four key behaviors.

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"Extra Side Work"

Please confirm one last time with saying, "i accept all terms and conditions." the computer program said. "yes. god da$%. i accept all the terms and conditions." kyle yelled. "acceptance conformation accepted. please enjoy your time."

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The Awareness of Nothing

Unaware it's on the way to the slaughterhouse one can never be freed from the outside as what appears as freedom is in fact yet another source of conditioning -- take everything written here with a grain of salt one is never free to react as reactions are

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