The Eternal Forest - Chapter II

#2 of the eternal forest ive decided to break this dark little yarn into smaller chunks. maybe it will be more palatable than my previous works, or maybe im just impatient to tell this tale. please forgive my lustuz on this short little chapter.

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The Eternal Forest - Chapter I

_the eternal forest_ _chapter i _ _2022 by zorha_ _homo, id est animal rationale mortale_ _limes germanicus_ _41 ad_ the fierce sun hung at mid-day, rays beating down on the worn cobblestones of the danube way.

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The Eternal Forest - Chapter VI

#6 of the eternal forest saint christopher gives up his life for a greater purpose ...

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The Eternal Forest - Chapter V

#5 of the eternal forest reprobus defies romulus and finds his true purpose.

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Cursed, Eternal Wish (By MouseJ)

It seemed like the most logical wish to make at the time. Back then, all those millions of years ago, people lived only to be 25 or so before they got claimed by dinos or infection. So, the most logical request to make when you approach a meteorite...

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The Eternal Lover Chapter 4

The eternal lover 04 "so, tell me again why you are a different color now? in trithe, you were mostly red and yellow, but now you're all green and blue and stuff. do you change color often? what's the reason? how do you do it? can i do it?"

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Chapter 21: Eternal Slave

#21 of journey to heaven eternal slave chapter 21 naked and practically glowing for her content, delilah reclined on her white sofa, shapely body at ease, eyes closed and smiling as araton fed her grapes and poured her wine.

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Eternal Universe - Chapter One

To further sell it (as if that were even necessary) they ambitiously said that eventually eternal horizons and eternal frontiers would combine to create a game called eternal universe.

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First Love, eternal love.

Friendship is quite possibly the most valuable thing a person can have. That was the mindset of Drkasion at least. Most would call the young black dragon foolish for assuming or even worse believing such an assumption in the universe where conflict is...

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Eternal Waltz: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: Invasion** Johnathon spun around hearing a familiar voice speak out to him. It was none other then General William H. Mainer, commander and chief of the Iszan...

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Eternal walt: Chapter 2

**Chapter 2: Shreds of mentality** After hours of flying through the vast emptiness named space, the passenger the wolf had brought on board finally reawakened. Her first...

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