Zion - Light of the New Moon: City of Myre

They have less than 8 pieces (small earrings count as 1 per pair while larger earrings count as 2; it is improper to have more than three sets of earrings per individual and no more than one large set for a male; please consult the meiran guide to fashion etiquette

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Pack Bitch

Hands that had been trained to utilize etiquette tore at the raw meat hungrily, happy that at the very least, her pregnancy from the alpha male would guarantee she would get to eat when she was hungry.

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Finding Atlantis - Ch9

She also had complete mastery of human etiquette. though she allowed me to convince her to follow my lead and just pick up the pizza and eat it. instead of waiting for plates and silverware.

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Digimon: The Final Chronicle (Part 10)

Raion growled softly in annoyance, but beyond that he let my momentary etiquette breach slide.

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Heart of Ice Ch.17

He attacked the small bowl of custard like a monster, while still eating with etiquette, and he was done in seconds. after our dinner, we stayed around for an hour or so before heading back home as it was getting late and we had school tomorrow.

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Interview with a Husky (pt 1)

Damn, maybe i should have payed better attention during the multi species relational etiquette seminar. jen would know what to do, i felt in my pocket for my cell phone, but before i could dial i heard a knock at the door. it was too late.

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The Lead Crown: Ch 5b, Convergence (Pt 2)

The human stepped up beside sir umberto, speaking in the smooth, flowing accent of a soyrian, "you will please have to forgive brody... he knows manners for all variety of courtly gatherings but, sadly, it seems he has fallen short on the proper etiquette

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Snow Bunny - Ch. 11

"you're going to have to work on your business etiquette and keeping those emotions off your face, but no, it wasn't anything you did, and certainly nothing that violet did. quite the opposite, in fact.

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Voyager: Chapter 7

These weren't people anymore, they didn't care for the etiquette that seemed to no longer exist now that the people who used to enforce such things were gone. everyone was gone. there was no one left that i knew from before that i knew was still alive.

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Journal of a Brief Wearing Bunny Part 5 Chapter 3

"plus, it's proper etiquette to let the girl climax first anyways... and you wanna make your girlfriends happy, right?" cutie stated, letting her hands rub over cindy's wet panties. as she squished at her crotch, cindy squeaked out, shivering and moaning.

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Serval and Sheep (Chapter 24)

Personally, i truly couldn't care less about dress etiquette, but i'm simply obliged to care so long as the social scenario forces me to. this was not such a case.

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Caught by the Coach

See, don grew up in an upper middle class family, one where proper manners and etiquette were instilled at an early age. but he also wasn't one to be a prude, at least within reason.

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