Vol. 5 Family time Pt. 2

Family Time Pt.2 by Jaxom De Dragon Jaxom woke up with his computer still turned on and different forms up for review. His eyes sloshed slowly in their dry tired sockets to the clock in the bottom right corner of the screen. He suddenly...

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Stud-Sitting Part 5

Kipcha murred softly as she laid back against the length of the bench. She looked down the length of her body at the smiling rabbit that was currently kneading her left paw in his fingers. After having...

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Unexpected Guests by Darokko

\* Unexpected Guests \* Rob began to enjoy unexpected guests, starting with Albert's visit a few weeks or so ago. Apparently the jock wolf and his equine accomplice, Harry, weren't as straight as he first suspected and not as tight lipped either....

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Moon Doggy's Sex Addiction Part 1 -The Motel

Hi, this is my 1st piece ever, so... try not to be a dick with the comments, but tell me how I do, and send me a ideas for my next piece. im mostly gonna base them off roleplays ive done haha, enjoy!! Moon dog is your average guy, 23, tall, athletic...

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A Hero's Reward (preview)

Hey everybody!!! Happy New Year!! God it has been way too long since I posted up some reading material on here. That's so sad as I look at the time passing by. Gotta work on that. Anyway, wanted to show you guys a little story that I've been working on...

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Writing Practice 1

Yeah, it's short, it's clunky, I wrote it in 30 minutes, but I'm just doing this to try and get back into a more natural swing of things. I'm hoping to post a little 2 page thing up every day, or at least every other, to try and get creativity going!...

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Birthday Sexings

A commission I got from Gruffy to celebrate my friend Ryan's Birthday. Today he is 24 and literally just got a new job and new apartment. So what better way to celebrate than with some naughty fun eh? Happy Birthday Ryan !!!! Story was written by...

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Going Global (Gallus, part 8)

Going Global (Gallus, part 8) by Chickenboy Some might have thought it odd to find so many stray chickens wandering the countryside. But the local farmers figured part of a large coop was broken open or some transport truck had crashed. Either...

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It was an unusually large set of windowless metal doors for the area, easily dwarfing those of nearby buildings; cut marks in the frame and the overall 'fresh from the showroom' look was evidence they were a new addition. Why anyone would want to build...

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Day By Day - Chapter 1

Lincoln stops focusing on the people passing by to stare at the faint reflection he is leaving in the diner's window. The desert longhorn's golden eyes stare back at him framed by his messy multi-shaded hair and the big curled horns of his...

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Experimenting With A Bear

HOLY SHIT I WROTE SOMETHING. This is a big motherfucker, based on a true story. I still need to do a full proofread, I'll edit it tomorrow, just wanna post it up now so you can enjoy! * * * My parents are getting a divorce. Sucks, right?...

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Business Benefits

Business Benefits Freebies Vol. 66: Dress to Impress By Danath Characters © [![avatar?user=9988&character=0&clevel=2](https://www.sofurryfiles.com/std/avatar?user=9988&character=0&clevel=2) Taiko](https://taiko.sofurry.com/ "Taiko") Bruno glanced...

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