Iceypaws Day 1: The Summer Gun Fight (UNDER CUNSTRUCTION)

{{to read about the hybrid henchmen, check my stories for "the dark hybrid}} and the hybrid slaves are for the same thing. there has been 5 captured hybrids, and that wasnt as ba, and only 1 died from slavery. the rest we saved.

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VoreBnB (Vore Story)

The hybrid eventually just decided to accelerate things himself. the dragon had already managed to cram his head and neck into asof's cockslit, but all that damn wiggling he was doing was driving the hybrid nuts!

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Adding New Features

He always enacted total control over the hybrid, and there was a sadistic pride growing within him as he watched exile take a submissive stance in the yard, thinking that he'd completely broken the transformed hybrid.

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Roses in Winter

After a few moments of inhaling the hybrid's scent she looked up to see her spreading her folds out, the hybrid kneeling down as she asked, "you wanna taste your mistress' pussy?"

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Using Musk to Make Your Move

He didn't wait or warn the hybrid. a long moan was forced out as the wolf/hybrid felt himself being filled. it felt even bigger than when it was in his mouth. "it's not too much, is it?" zaher asked. the care in his voice made fahen swoon.

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Slow Swampy Session

All the while he spoke, erolan saw the hybrid grow more and more red in the face. he also took note below how the frog's arousal was rising.

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The Tylor Estate - Act 2

So the hybrid padded off the platform and went to have another look at the board game across the hall.

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The hybrid shrieked first and his twitching, pulsing mast of hungry pink cock burst to life.

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Party Crashed (Vore Story)

By the time they noticed the hybrid waltzing into their party, it would be too late for any of them...

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Stress Relief

That kind of day would have been enough to crush most, but there was more bad luck in store for hybrid.

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A Nameless Madness WIP

She hisses, slashing through the hybrid male's arm like warm butter. as the zorua hybrid clutches his shredded arm and runs, he can feel his cock growing limp in its sheath.

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