A Surprise Lesson (2/2)

Once that had happened renzyl took him to a small park where it appeared some sort of party or festival was happening and gestured out to the crowd. "welcome to your next lesson," renzyl explained.

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (2/14)

"you don't understand, i'm a guest of renzyl, he wanted me to talk to you." "massster renzyl?" the creature said, revealing that it was now behind jason as he swallowed hard. "in that case we better be extra hosssspitable..."

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The Madhouse

The bouncer didn't look at them again, but if he had, he would have caught the delighted, entirely predatory smirk on renzyl's face.

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An Ultimate Nexus Experience (9/14)

"you better believe it," santer grinned, looking over at renzyl. "what do you say renzyl? care to let your guest here indulge in something that he's been desiring to do, or are you going to deny him?"

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[Tanorath] Vanishing Act

You just have utter 'yes, renzyl,'. you just have to submit."

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An Alternative Nexus Experience (1/4)

Much to renzyl's chagrin jason becomes interested in going to see what the robot eagle has to offer.

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Safe Harbor (3/3)

"understandable," renzyl replied with a chuckle.

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