"That flashy ad..."

Percival walked slowly through the forest at night. The sounds of crickets echoed among the trees while the rabbit walked on lazy short steps. His life as dungeons explorer was becoming increasingly difficult since his father died in an exploration....

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"Que anúncio chamativo..."

Percival andava lentamente pela floresta à noite. Os sons dos grilos ecoavam entre as árvores enquanto o coelho andava à passos curtos e preguiçosos. Sua vida de explorador de masmorras estava tornando-se cada vez mais difícil desde que seu pai morreu...

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An accident.

The day's work was over. Percival came home after his shift, wondering what had happened. He had already been in contact with the fantastic wildlife of the underground, but never with such intensity. As he walked through the square, he saw Mimo...

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The Road Of Life - Chapter 7

So, after a long wait I have finally finished this chapter! I'm sorry it took so long to write and hoepfully the chapters to follow wont take as long. This is probably the hardest chapter I've had to write to date, as always I enjoy comments, ideas,...

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Anthro novel - Chapter Seven, Betrayal.

"There. All finished." Lapaki announced as she neatly tucked the last of the dressing underneath the edge of her delicate workmanship. She had neatly bandaged his entire arm in two layers of dressing, including a special padding she had coincidently...

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Untill I find a better name... Part 3

Lone Wolf: Welcome To My World: There Will Be Blood ! The Third Story in the Lone Wolf series by Fuzzy Moordock III Jayson "Fuzzy" bradly walked along the cold streets of Kimoc, a cold little town on the outskirts of the woods. It had...

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Naughty Game Night

It was an interesting idea, kinda like a final moment in a fight scene as the heroic protagonist dies and with his dying breath utters some snappy one liner as the pin and grenade fall and blow em to smithereens... but until everyone started using it for cheap

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Tragic Endings

((role-play scene)) tragedy has its hand in everybody's life. ~author's note~ this is a fragment of a role-play between myself and badpleasures. :3 i truly enjoy our time together more than most might think.

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Gareth and Sari's Erotic Week off

Sari's erotic week off part 1 of a sexy, smut filled romp with two dragons by gareth58442 (kinks include and will include in later chapters, hyper cocks, cum inflation heavy, some blood, multi penetration, knotting/tying, strap-on, pegging, sleep sex, scenes

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Mini Scene: A Lion, Vixen, and the Search for Better Scene Description

I'm solid with factual, but for such scenes, that would not ready very well. i'd like some honest feedback about the descriptive word choices for this little scene portion.

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College Days - Chapter Two -

College Days Chapter Two (c) Cederwyn Whitefurr 5th February, 2012 All Rights Reserved Caleb crumpled onto his unkempt bed, too exhausted to even shed his clothes, as the stress and anxiety of his current workload for college was getting to him...

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The Park of Mirari: Chapter 3

**Chapter 3: The 'Wonder' of the Park** Almost immediately, David realized that they'd picked the wrong escape route. Not because of the direction it would lead them, but because it was too narrow. Wood and metal towered over them, with lights strung...

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