Light Bane: Chapter 22

With seraphor. you mean, you two survived the battle of pol hain, contrary to the history?" "in a way. then again, i only have an idea where seraphor is.

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Ice Howl Part 5 (FINAL)

All i know is, despite of the young age of 35, they can give a strong hope to the dragons to oppose the anti-dragons, and, especially seraphor, dragons admire him because of his disability. he can't fly, you know."

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Chapter 7: Worlds Divided

"first seraphor, then shirdan, and now this? things never get more complicated."

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 10

I still have to find least once..." the dragon became silence while avila was closing her eyes in hope on the nightmare to at least hear her.

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 15

He almost killed seraphor once because he started to become uncontrollable, but then his fate after that tragic memory was unknown. somehow he disappeared, succumbing to his lust to death, violence, and gore.

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 3

Knowing on how cynder tried to avoid any conversation, avila knew the black dragon didn't trust her enough to tell her past, much like avila did to seraphor before they became as close as becoming

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The Journey of the Dark Crystal: Chapter 8

She fought it, biting and scratching the dragon, even with the injured seraphor's help, to no avail. her mate was thrown, and she could hear bone cracks from him.

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 11: Battle of Nia Baleth

She proceeded to pour out her own rage of losing seraphor, and her desire to meet with him again, and fueling her fear ability. she looked at the army and said, "leave, or taste despair."

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 5

It was a very, very strong beer that could even make a dragon drunk, but wasn't as strong as that thing guardiola made to seraphor. you forgot that time 10 years ago when you went to dracokin with ray? he gave one to ray but you soon blacked out."

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The Draconian Story: Chapter 12

Wha...but then, seraphor and avila..." "they're still young...and also they had history together. don't see at them, okay? do you remember shariot?"

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Black-Winged Angels Chapter 14: A Promise Fulfilled

"raithorakh's killer was shrouded in the mist produced during the fight with both seraphor and avila," said richard. his hand was on the hilt of his sword.

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