Savannah Blues Part 4

"shallow, ball chasers." evan slurred. "a bunch of hound dogs indeed. butt sniffing, ball chasing, hand biting, tail raising-," the skunk muttered to himself stomping his way back up the stairs.

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Let Sleeping Pups Lie

One by one, they sifted through rock after rock, putting the contending pretty ones or possible eggs onto the shore until they found themselves lounging in the shallows to catch their breath.

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August 7 - Let’s go to the Beach! - Third Part

And when he was done putting the cream on we went into the water, only on the shallow part just as agreed. the cat soaked his feet in the water and he shivered as the hairs of his fur stood up.


Utahraptor Love

With his partner's tail arched up and over his, the male began to perform a series of quick, shallow pelvic thrusts meant to help find and quickly penetrate his target, though his initial attempts at insertion were unsuccessful.

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Chapter 2: Just Give In

Kel was sitting up, his head bowed as he rested back on his paws, and loryn was lying stretched out on his belly, his tail flashing in the sunlight as he idly tossed rocks into the shallows, his head toward the water.

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Shower With A Friend

It was relatively quiet this afternoon, the pool containing just a few other furs and a cluster of cubs that were keeping the lifeguards busy in the shallow end.

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The Night We Shared, Ivalice Romance One

His breathing was shallow and his hands kneaded the back of my legs. our lovemaking was coming to its gratifying end. his hips no long kept up the same, even rhythm, instead his thrusts were frenzied.

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Blood, Teeth, and Honor, Chapter 1 part1

Thomas dove down to the rocky bottom and swam towards the shallows. turning ever so slightly left and right to keep an eye on his pursuer. if he was going to make it out of this, he had to time this carefully.

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Chapter 1 - Recovery of a Broken Heart

"i understand, now let's get you into the shallower area; this way you can do it all on your own and feel proud." topaz turns his head and looks behind him then starts to swim backwards towards the shallow area in the spring.

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The Summoning

After a short distance, it began to curve upward into a large, but shallow, hill. the trees were thick and blotted out what little light remained in the sky, leaving even the moon blinded.

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Seven Years Later: Chapter 2 What the #@<&

He'd thrown me in the river, just beyond the shallows. a good twelve feet from where he'd thrown me from on the shore. the water felt freezing at first, and it caused me to shudder.

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