Midnight chase (Short Story)

They jumped the entire wall, a fucking 3-meter wall, i said to myself "bruh..." my legs started feeling weaker, probably because i sprinted for a mile now, i looked behind me again and the werewolves seemed to have disappeared going back to the other side

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Tribute To a Night I'll Never Forget

I nodded quickly as i turned on my feet and sprinted towards the bathroom.

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The chase

Suddenly i burst out of the forest and into a flat plain witha huge busy road in the distance, i puased for a second panting as i looked at what would be my salvation, then with a loud snap the creature leaped out of the woods, and sprinted in front of me.

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Terveta-Chapter 1: Warning (Part 2)

The terveta kept the pace as fast as a civilian's sprint, not wanting to alarm anyone any further then what they had already managed to accomplish.

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Terveta-Chapter 2: Hostiles (Part 3)

The alpha dropped down onto the same level and increased his sprint as fast as he could. the alpha got closer and closer to the hostile until it was only meters away.

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Yet unnamed story

Magnus sprinted forward, the dire wolves tearing at his heels. he sprang to the left, mid-run, and watched as one of the enormous beasts bolted just to the side of him.

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A High School Story--Chapter 1: The Start of the Day

We gulped down our coffee and sprinted out the door, racing to home room.

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Máella Twins - Kapitel 10: Schutzlos

Während des holprigen sprint presste ich die pfoten auf meine wunde und biss die zähne zusammen. der schmerz war intensiv und ich drohte mein bewusstsein zu verlieren, doch ich versuchte wach zu bleiben.  

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Amber Silverblood: Rogue Wolf Sample

_** the monster yelled as i sprinted down the steps seven at a time. **_let me out!_** i wouldn't, though. i hadn't let it out... i hadn't transformed... in three years. not since the night it had taken everything i loved from me.

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Lion King III: The Pridelands Reborn: Chapter VII

**kopa's pov:** we just walked into strike's den when brasta came sprinting in, "strike's been hurt badly; please, help him!" he said, voice on the edge of panic.

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Forest Frolic (Macro Story)

The wolf sprinted on all fours back to the outskirts of town, his eyes going wide as he saw just how huge sara had become even in his short time away.

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Thresholds [18+]

My mind began to sprint ahead. was this the beast? was it something _else?_ should we run away? play dead in the leaves? he slid off me. then i heard a package tearing open.

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