(Oc)Cult Friends 8

Well, that explained a painful amount all at once. lykus had been keen on getting that idol all that time ago, sure that it would be a path to greater power.

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Outcasts in Need Part 1

I didn't become that. that wasn't me._ and that wasn't an excuse. he had just talked to the other part that had done all that. abyss.

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His New Hoard 9: Gold and Magic

He'd seen the way that hesoon had lit up. that was not a man that kept a tactical advantage to himself; that was someone that would brag about the resource that he'd found.

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The Mind Control Conspiracy 8: College Play

that said, he'd need to be careful to make sure that he could still leave the dungeon at the end of that, but he imagined that he could figure out a way to make that work.

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The Devil May Care 43

The way that his shaft was pulled in, the way that seraph squeezed down, made it eminently clear that there was nothing that dusk could give the bull that was better than his cock in that moment.

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A Colorful Month 11

Someone that he used to know? maybe, but that was so far gone now that he didn't even feel that funny feeling that he should have when he knew something was missing from his memory.

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Commission: Job for Those You Love

This forced skie's figure to fold forward up the length of that thigh, placing his cheek right against that thick bulge that that he'd nuzzle in a gasping breath.

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The Devil May Care 23

Mercy might be gone, and that meant that they didn't have to worry about heaven quite so much as they had, but that didn't mean that they wouldn't have other problems.

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