The Professor 04

He added an extra shot of perfume and, noticing some magazines in a stand next to the vanity, picked one at random and started to read, trying to ignore his still-raging erection.

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Duke & Alex part 2

At his vanity, he brushed his hair, and topped it off with a head band that matched the skirt. alex grabbed his book bag, and slung it over his shoulder. now dressed, he headed downstairs to the kitchen.

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Tina II Chapter 14 Having my Babies

With that, she lowered herself, back against the vanity counter. in one swift flick, flower had undone his belt, and had unfastened his trousers, which promptly dropped to the floor.

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Project X:I

They say from our conception we dragons have vanity instilled into our bodies, always striving to own the best, to be the best, to look the best, for we are the best around.

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TotWW Winter's Song

She unpacked her grooming kit, sat in front of her vanity again and began to groom her fur. she stopped and picked up a data pad with her photo album stored on it.

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My Roommate's A Stripper?! Ch. 15

Max was thankful for the distraction of work, even if she was just reorganizing her jewelry and makeup at her vanity.

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A Legend is Born

She most most importantly as her destiny and any hope of it was shattered by human greed and vanity. days and nights passed without vulpix's knowledge as she lay curled up , oblivious to the world.

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Fragment's of Life's Heart - Transitions

Freya stood up from the bed with the lipstick and the wig in her paws, and walked over to the small vanity mirror on top of her chest of drawers. she put on her wig, adjusted it around her ears and then brushed it neat with her fingers.

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You're My Guiding Star

It may be vanity talking for me, but i'd rather he not see me like this. bent antenna and broken wings. half my fluids are floating in zero g and the other half sloshing uncomfortably in my abdomen. this wasn't the way i pictured our reunion.

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Moonfox Chronicles: Chapter 2

You see, the closet had a door into the bathroom, making it almost like and ensuite, with a big shower, double vanities, and even a soaker tub for relaxing in.


Liam and Muireann

_damn, i'm hot,_ he concluded, then chastised himself for vanity. but it was true, he was quite attractive.

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