Electric Touch: Chapter 18 (mPikachu x fRaichu)
As the battle started, articuno quickly flew through the air, the charizard standing still concentrated on its next move, to parry it with a flurry of counter-attacks.
A New World, A New Journey Chapter 9
I came out of my wonder and prepared for the counter attack. **argons pov** _"never thought that would really work. i only wrote about this move in my own fanfictions and never thought it could be real. but i just created a new move!"
Natsuru and the Dino Posse Episode 5
The two managed to dodge the boulders and counter attack. natsuru kicked the mutant, only for nothing to happen, except feeling some pain on his foot.
Mission Impossible
He then counter attacked with a strange incantation of his own, " comide owna carremba azut folid" his hands turned blue and the strange light came out of his hands and were sent flying towards the doctor.
Susuka's Story (Brief)
It appeared as though she wanted to parry his blow and make a counter attack, but this was not the case. she was going to strike with everything she had, she was just waiting for her father to get closer.
Chapter 2: Turtwigs Epiphany
Blood splattered out of his mouth, he tried to counter attack but turtwig caught his hand. turtwig kicked him in the chest and felt his ribs break. afterwards, darkrai fell to the ground. turtwig picked him up by the throat and threw him into the air.
The Cat's Stroll 30
I would dare to say he is someone who has been practicing martial arts for not very long, and has only been focusing on countering attacks." "i see..." muttered the monkey. were they wrong about their suspicions of this cat?
Sorrow And Joy - Chapter 1: The Pair
She said as three more guards blocked their path and she dodged a sword-swipe, dan leapt forward, blocking the closest guard's swing and counter attacking, shattering his opponent's sword.
Wind Chill Factor
He then counter-attacked and fired an icebeam at garurumon. the icebeam barely hit him, but it was enough as garurumon fell to the ground, zeadramon finished the job, completely incasing the wolf into a block of ice and he fell to the ground.
Dark Growlithe - Chapter 12
He then spun around himself to counter-attack and head-butted bandit, knocking him away. bandit recovered quickly and then feinted another tackle but rather darted past dark growlithe's face, using his tail to whip dark growlithe's eyes.
Reptilia Squad - First Chapter
Dominique counter-attacks quickly: draws her wakizashi - quickly -, cutting them apart - each one with a single slash. subsequently come many other thugs - also masked -, each one with a heckler & koch sub-machinegun.
Heat of the Snow
The surprise of the bucks counter attack caused the lynx to let go and revel in the skilled deer's hooves. as the exploring digits of the deer worked her sensitive nub she gasped. she moaned and squirmed around as the talented deer worked his magic.