Star Fox: First Contact - Mission IV

Out of all of the things that caught the attention of everyone who ever visited cdf's home base, mind, was that which had stood for the past few centuries since the start of the space run as well as had survived the chaos of the aparoid invasion; the statue

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Chapter 5: Journey to Sauria

She was actually part of my team that restored the great fox after it was recovered from the aparoid home world. she may actually know more about this ship then even slippy does."

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Fox and Krystal's Holiday

Thanks to your efforts, the lylat system has been saved from the aparoid invasion!" general pepper was speaking though a hologram on the great fox. "the lylat system is deeply in you debt and extremely greatfull for you help."

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Star Crossed

Then the aparoid invasion had happened. general pepper had died in the ensuing chaos. his replacement general sheer doverman was everything wrong with lylats military, authoritarian egotistical and power hungry.

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Come il mare, sei sommerso

For all he was concerned, the aparoid invasion might as well have been part of the lylat wars with how close they were. and the dust hadn't even settled from that, either.

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Chapter 13: Star Fox Commanding

She told kyong that i was killed at the hands of fox mccloud in the battle of fichina ... the one leading up to the aparoid invasion.

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Star Fox: Temptation Chapter 2

Fox simply attributed it to a mutual respect formed in the fires of battle alongside one another in the war against the aparoid queen.

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Star Fox: Temptation Chapter 2

Fox simply attributed it to a mutual respect formed in the fires of battle alongside one another in the war against the aparoid queen.

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Chapter 13: Enemies and Examinations

Then of course, the aparoids put an end to all my plans." "we wouldn't have succeeded in defeating the aparoid queen without your help." fox affirmed. "well, even before that, i was coming to realize that i was going nowhere as an outlaw.

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 7 Staying in Town, Part 1

"but don't you remember the aparoid invasion? you almost died that day. i don't know what i would've done if that ever happened! you're my only family and it terrifies me to think that i will be all alone again the day you finally die!"

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Star Fox: Changes of Love Chapter 2 Of Feelings and Friendships

But now she had started flirting with him lately after the defeat of the aparoids. at first he was flattered, but over time it started to bother him. he knows now that she has a crush on him, but he doesn't want to date her. he can't date her. he's gay.

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